Chapter 15: The epilogue

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Dear Mom,

I'm writing this to you on what would be your 52nd birthday. So much has happened since you passed away I can hardly believe it.

Haru and I had our five year anniversary this year and he suggested we renew our vows. I told him that we'd always be together, but he said that he wanted to recreate the best day of his life. What a sap.

We discussed, and we're thinking about adopting. It would be hard, what with me being the #1 hero in America and him at #5, but we want to make this work. We want to adopt a teenager, one who's been in the system for so long that they've given up hope.

We want to give them that hope back.

Yami and Ruka have their hands full with their toddler, even though Kiori is an angel, toddlers take up a lot of time. You would know, huh?

Ki and Yoru said they didn't want to have children, but they love their cats very much.

Shu has finally taken her maternity leave for their second child, and Ro isn't as nervous as the first time. We always make sure to tease them about how long it took to get their acts together and to get married.

We finally convinced Kacchan and Eiji to just come to America for a few months to get married and we're all very happy for them.

Hitoshi told me that he's thinking of popping the question soon, but he's nervous Denki will say no. We all know he's just being anxious, but it's very funny to think about Denki saying no. We all know he won't.

Koji and Rikido are doing just fine. They're in the top 50 now in Japan, and I'm happy for them.

Shoto and Inasa finally got together after literal years of pining, and Shoto is very happy that Endeavor is pissed off about it.

Momo and Jiro's band is doing well. I can't imagine how hard it must be to balance hero work and music, so I'm very proud of them.

Keigo and Touya were talking to us about adopting, and I sent them the websites of various orphanages.

Eri is starting UA this year as the top student, and Aizawa and Yamada are very proud. Yoru teased Aizawa about the tears he shed when she was accepted, but in classic Aizawa fashion, he denied them.

We all knew he was crying anyway.

We held a funeral for Mina and Uraraka, but we couldn't find either body in the end. I know I shouldn't be sad, they hurt me after all, but I couldn't help but cry at their funerals.

I still feel guilty about their deaths, and even though everyone keeps telling me it wasn't my fault, I can't help but feel it.

My therapist said that it's survivor's guilt, but I think it's more.

I'm sorry that I wasn't able to save you, mom.

All Might's been put in jail for quirk discrimination and assault after he hit a kid on the street after they told him their quirk.

Hawks is the new #1 hero in Japan now, with Endeavor in #2.

Shoto is very happy about that.

I talked to Iida the other day.

He called my office number, and we talked about our agencies for a while.

It was nice.

We'll never be able to go back to being the friends we were before, but that's ok.

I haven't visited your grave since the last time I was in Japan.

I laid down a bouquet of spider lilies since I know they were always your favorite.

I visited Hisashi's grave for the first time.

I laid down a single Valerian.

I'm stronger than I was before, and I will not let him control me ever again.

We captured the league of villains last month.

I spoke to Toga Himiko alone and told her something I never told anyone, not even Haru.

I told her that in Uraraka's dorm room, I found a letter addressed to her.

I let her have it.

Nezu asked me if I'd ever consider being a teacher at UA, and I told him I'd think about it.

I miss you every day, mom.

When I see a firefly during the summer, I think about how you'd always lighten up my darkest days.

The next time I'm in Japan, I'll go and visit your grave again.

I love you, so, so much.

Until then.

Forever your son,

Izuku Midoriya-Yuru.



Thank you all so, so much for reading Forgive or Forget!

I could have never finished this book without all of your support!

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all.

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