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          My name is Louisa Jones, I am a 22-year-old nobody who is a part of the Gemini Pack. I was considered as the future Luna until our Alpha found his mate. This made me incredibly happy because I had no interest in him romantically. I am loyal to him as our pack Alpha and I will follow him anywhere but not into his bed. I digress, I am a 22-year old Luna without her Alpha, so people here do not take to me kindly. I am always made fun of, abused mentally and physically attacked. It is something I have learned to deal with, I avoid everyone at all costs rather than risk a fist colliding with my face or a harsh word thrown my way.

I have dreams I would like to see become a reality. I wish to move and travel without the binding of duty holding me in place where I cannot stand to look at myself in the mirror. But I need to ask their permission first. Which is why I am sitting here in the hallway across from their office impatiently waiting. With every nasty glare, harsh word and kick that passes me, it makes me want to run, to flee this place without their blessing but that would result in a hunting party dragging me back for punishment. It is already bad enough I cannot defend myself let alone speak out about it. I am mute, unable to form words to express myself, all I am able to do is make small noises of displeasure which is another reason I am happy I am not the mate to our Alpha, he hated me for not being able to speak with him.

"Louisa, can you please come join us?" my Luna asked in her musical voice, it made me wonder if that is how I would sound.

I smiled and nodded at her as I got up from the chair, grabbing my backpack. I walked in behind her shutting the door before taking the seat across from Alpha Rob who sat staring at me with discontent. Once I am seated, I smiled at them both and waited for whatever they had to say.

"You have asked us to release you from this pack?" Rob asked.

I nodded and looked at him with a solemn face not wanting to upset him or my Luna. He took a deep breath looking up at her, she nodded and gave him a sweet smile before her eyes returned to me.

"We will grant you this Louisa, only because you have not given us any reason to doubt your loyalty. You never fought for your rightful position once my mate came into my life. Instead you welcomed her warmly and accepted her as your Luna. For that gift, I gift you your freedom. But please stay safe in the outside world, if you need or want to come home, we will take you back with no questions asked." Rob said with a softer expression.

I never knew that is how he felt, for the last 20 years I got another more hostile feel from him. I nodded and smiled grateful for his response --- I am not about to kick a gift horse in its mouth.

"I have never been able to properly thank you Louisa, you made my transition here easier. By you not claiming your rightful position you allowed them to look at me as their Luna instead of a wolf from another pack. I thank you for your gift and here is a gift for you in return. This is a map that shows you all the packs and their territories in the USA. I hope if you find yourself lonely and unwilling to come home you go to one of the others and I pray to the goddess your mate is waiting for you." She said smiling as she handed me the map.

I took it holding it with both hands as tears fell from my eyes, I made a motion asking for a pen and paper. Rob nodded handing me his pen and a scrap of paper.

Thank you for being kind, thank you for being a good Alpha to our pack and Thank you for being the strong kind Luna this pack needed.

I wrote my message down quickly and slid it back towards them, they both read it before taking each other's hands before looking at me with a smile.

"Be safe." they both said in unison.

I gathered my things placing the map in my bag and walking out of the pack house, down the road to my freedom. I had been walking for about 45 minutes and it is the most freeing 45 minutes I have experienced in my lifetime. I spotted the auto shop I bought a truck from a few weeks back in preparation of my departure. I made my way into the shop spotting Carl the owner, he has long salt and pepper hair that curls at the ends, his eyes are caramel brown and his skin is weathered and wrinkled. He smelt faintly of worn leather and tobacco.

Louisa's Search [Book 1 Moon Saga]Where stories live. Discover now