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I went looking for my friend who I lost sight of when I was talking to Tyler. After searching through the house, I ran outside shifting and running into the woods following his scent, then it hit me the scent of blood. Alex hanging from a tall tree with a silver chain wrapped around his ankle, his breathing shallow and labored. I shifted into my human form trying to mind link with him.

"Alex, can you hear me?" I asked.

"Yes." he replied in a weak voice.

"I am going to get you down, try to stay still." I said as I worked the chains from the tree holding them in place.

The metal burned my hands, but I did not let the pain stop me from freeing my friend. I got them lose and slowly lowered him to the ground before removing the chain from his ankle when I heard footsteps. I shifted quickly positioning myself in front of Alex. A strange man came out into a clearing staring at me, he is naked and badly hurt. I growled showing my teeth and stomping my foot to the ground lowering myself into a pouncing position. The man took a step back and held his hands up lowering himself to the ground kneeling in front of me. I am confused, who is he? How did he get here? What did he want? I mind linked my mate and some of the pack, I did not want to shift back before I had people here to help me if it is a trap. Once everyone arrived Alaric positioned himself in front of me growling at the man who never looked up, he kept himself on the ground looking down with his hands up, I shifted back into my human form staying close to Alaric.

"Who are you?" I asked the man.

"I have been a prisoner of the hunters for seven years Ma'am." he responded keeping his eyes down and hands up. My name is Hansel." he said.

Before I had the chance to ask another question Alaric is in his human form staring at the dirty bloody man. He took a step forward with one hand staying my on my stomach signaling me to stay back.

"Brother?" I heard Alaric ask that man who looked up as the words past my mate's lips.

"Alaric?" I heard him say as he stumbled to his feet reaching towards Alaric.

"Brother, I thought you were dead." my mate said as he caught the man in his arms.

"I wish I was." the man said.

"Come let us get you home, we will talk more after you are properly fed and warm." Alaric said.

I turned to help Alex to his feet as we followed Alaric back to the house. I looked up to see black clouds forming above us threatening more snow. I looked over to see Alex already healing and walking on his own, so I let go of him with a smile.

"Thank you for coming to find me Lou." he said through our link.

"Tyler and I couldn't go on without you." I said jabbing my elbow into his arm with a smile.

"Who is the guy?" he asked.

"I do not know." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Do we trust him?" he asked me with a serious look.

"No." I said looking back towards Alaric and the stranger. "No matter who he says he is, he has been in the hunters keep for so long, I do not know if he is able to be loyal to Alaric."

"I will help keep an eye on him, Tyler will help as well." Alex said as we entered the clearing in front of the house.

"How did you get strung up like that Alex?" I asked him.

Louisa's Search [Book 1 Moon Saga]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara