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When I saw the hunter plunging a silver dagger into my mate, I saw red, I jumped on him quickly ripping him apart, I stood over my wounded lover protecting him as the rest of my pack took off to kill the remaining hunters. Once they came back reporting it is clear we took my mate inside laying him our bed as I wept, the wound is deep, and we are unsure if it hit his heart, so the blade had to stay in place.

"The way the knife is angled I can't be sure if it hit his heart or not, if I remove it and it has, he will die." Ross said.

"We need to get someone here now!" I shouted. "I just got him; I can't lose him now."

"A Doctor who works on us is heading here now, but the sno..." Ross was saying as I cut him off.

"I DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE SNOW ROSS! JUST GET HIM HERE!" I yelled as I climbed on the bed carefully. "Don't leave me please Alaric."

I never left his side, even when the Doctor came and removed the blade. He was able to sew him up and put some antibiotic cream over the wound. That was four days ago, Alaric still has not woken up. I am beginning to think he had left me for good, alone in this cruel world without the man I loved.

"Please Alaric don't leave me." I whispered squeezing his hand begging him to come back to me.

But nothing happened, I spent another eight days sitting next to him, barely eating, only a few showers, with little sleep.

"Luna?" I heard Anna say quietly as she peeked around the door. "May I come in?"

"Yes." I whispered never taking my eyes off my mate.

"It's been twelve days Lou, we need you. Your people need you." She said placing her hand on my leg. "Please go to them, help them and I will stay here with Alaric."

"Okay." I said standing up, I did not want to let his hand go but I knew I am needed.

I walked out of the room seeing my love asleep and my friend doing as she promised. I made my way downstairs going into the kitchen to see all my people waiting.

"Luna, it is good to see you. Are you hungry?" Beth asked.

"No, I am coming to see what is wrong." I answered looking around the room at so many worried, sad faces.

"We need to hunt; the snow has let up for a time. But we needed to ask permission before leaving you and our Alpha unprotected." I heard one of the soldiers say.

"What is your name and position?" I asked him.

"Paul, Luna I am just a Delta no one of importance." He said as he dropped his head.

"Hmm, you will Join Ross, Luke, Alex, Killian and I for a hunt." I said before turning on my heel and walking towards the doors. I heard the rustling of chairs turning to see everyone but Paul. I took a deep breath turning around and going back into the kitchen I saw Paul sitting there with a shocked look. "Are you coming?"

"Oh, Yes Luna!" he said as he jumped out of his chair walking quickly towards me.

We met the others outside. I watched as Alex, Luke, Killian, and Paul shift into their wolves heading towards the woods. I turned and looked at Ross, "Be sure to keep an eye on Paul. If he does well today, I would like him to train with Killian, also I would like Garth, Grey, Killian, Luke and Alex to be assigned to mine and Alaric's personal guard with you."

"Yes Luna." he said before we both shifted running into the woods.

We ended up bringing home seven stags and five dozen rabbits. The females came to gather the meat after the men cleaned it. I walked down into the root cellar finding we were running low on a lot of our needed things like, Sugar, flour, yeast, and rice. I took a deep breath rubbing my temples as I made my way back upstairs and into the Kitchen. There I found Luke and Killian.

Louisa's Search [Book 1 Moon Saga]Where stories live. Discover now