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"Baby, please help me understand what is going on. I lost you for days, then I find you and your standing over a beaten man claiming him as your kin." Alaric said as he stepped into the shower with me.

"I don't know any more than you do my love, I wish I did." I said turning into him. "We will figure it out"

"Together." he said into my hair as his arms laced around me.

"Together." I repeated laying my head onto his chest.

We spent some time in the shower just holding each other the in warm water, letting it wash the last few days away. Once we were done, I made my way downstairs to find Beth and Paul's location.

"Where is Beth and the man we brought in?" I asked Grey.

"Down the hall Luna." he said looking at me with concerned eyes.

"Please Grey get Alex, Tyler, Garth, Luke and Killian. I need you." I said before passing him.

I heard Grey's footsteps running off to find the others as I made my way closer to the door that is closed. I could hear talking on the other side. Before I opened the door, I placed my ear to the door, so I can listen.

"Are they all dead?" a familiar voice said.

"No, she left 4 of them alive." Paul replied.

"Does she know why Rob told you those things?" the female voice asked.

"No, I didn't get a chance to explain anything before we started fighting. Why didn't you tell me she is so large?" Paul asked.

"I am not a wolf, and when she shifted, I was being shoved into the house away from the fight." she replied.

Poppy! I did not wait to hear anymore before I came crashing through the door.

"Louisa." Poppy said with surprise. "I was just..."

"Do not insult me with lies. How do you two know each other?" I asked her.

"My father and him were friends." she said.

"How was he a wolf friends with your father a ruthless hunter?" I growled.

"Please Luna." She said.

"Do not dare call me that human." I said taking a step closer to her. "My pack has been ravaged and torn apart by your kind to many times in the last month, I am no Luna to you, and you are no member of my pack."

"Please...." she dropped to her knees.

"Luna?" I heard Killian say from behind me.

"Do not defend her Killian." I said through my teeth. "I need to know everything she has done to put this pack in danger, go get Alaric."

"Yes Luna." he said as he quickly left.

"Come with me girl. You too Paul." I said before turning on my heels walking out of the door.

We walked into the main living area where my chosen men were standing with my mate and his men. There is anger mixed with betrayal in everyone's eyes Killian included.

"Stand here and explain now." I said looking at them as I took my place next to Alaric. "And do not lie."

"Please sister." Paul said

"Do not call her that. You do not have the right." Alaric spat out as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Please, Louisa listen before judging." he said again.

Louisa's Search [Book 1 Moon Saga]Where stories live. Discover now