1-A day in my life

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- - - Description - - -

<20 meter tall titan>


<105 years old/15 in human years<


<at the moment, living in the forest with> <the giant trees>

<at the moment, living in the forest with> <the giant trees>

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<name: y/n>


<gender: n/b (non-binary, or anything>
<you want)>


<type of titan............sleeping titan>


<eats............plants, fruits/vegetables>

<eating humans: they're too loud, and>
<don't taste good to me>

y/n POV:
I slowly open my eyes because i heard a noise from somewhere around me. Being a sleeping titan means i have the best hearing of all types of titans. Its a real pain sometimes.

I can hear everything in about a 1 mile radius. I think so at least...

I turn my head to the right, then to the left; there, laying on my shoulder was a smaller titan (about 5 meters)...snoring.

But i wasn't too surprised by this, me being a 20 meter titan means i gave off a lot of heat.

Every once and a while a smaller titan would come along and use my body heat to keep themselves warm throughout the night.

Some nights it can get pretty cold, especially when your in a forest with giant trees covering you. Last night was one of those nights.

I keep looking at the smaller being wonder how long it had been there. But after a minute or 2 i shook myself slightly to wake it up.


It didn't move a muscle, only rolling over to its other side. So i shook myself again but nothing happened.

I was starting to get pissed.

With it not waking up, that'll mean i'll have to sit up to get it off of me.

I slowly start to sit up, my bones cracking with my every movement. I think it's been at least 2 weeks since i've last gotten up.

As i rise from my spot, i can feel the smaller titan move.

I look over at my shoulder to see that the titan was now awake and gone.

Happy that it was finally gone, i decide to check on a few things.

I stretch my body a little more so the ground wouldn't grow over me and i wouldn't go stiff.

I look to see my pet cow in between my legs munching on some grass, like usual whenever i see him...or at least i think it's a boy. I don't know the difference.

I look towards my stash of (f/f)(favorite fruit) at my feet. I sigh, this means i have to move more to eat.

I bend over and grab a small handful of
(f/f) and shove it into my mouth.

I was starting to get tired again.

Everything seemed to be in good condition. And by the looks of the area around me, i only have about a week left before i need to move to a new spot.

I get annoyed once again, i hated moving spots but if i didn't i would start becoming one with the ground.

I lay back down and start to fall asleep because...we'll i'm a sleeping titan, i sleep.

Hopefully i won't get woken up again for at least another week when i have to leave.

But before i fell asleep i grabbed some smaller rocks to cover my neck in case something tries to kill me.

Very unlikely though because of my hearing and size.

After a few seconds of laying down my eyes got heavier. So i close them completely and fall asleep.

It feels as if it's only been a minute or 5 but i started to hear a sound-no multiple sounds.

And it sounded as if it was heading towards me, and fast.

'It's not a titan because they are way louder then this. And it's not humans either, they're super quiet and they have a tendency to have a thing on them that makes them fly in the air.'

'So what could it be that's heading my way? I don't want to open my eyes, i'm really tired.' I thought to myself.

But in the end i opened my eyes to see what it is that was coming my way.

I look to the right to see what was coming...and it looked like horses but they have something on them......wait is that-

chapter 1 done ✅

hope you enjoyed

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