c h a p t e r XXXVII

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THEY HAD SWITCHED PLACES with the other kids, as Ricardo had requested and were placing the last desks in the classrooms when some loud voices echoed through the hall.

"I didn't even know they could do that, I mean it's fricking Saturday, you can't just send me back to school because I annoy you."

A laugh was heard, "Well they did."

"Why are you laughing, you got sent back too."

"I know but your face is simply hilarious right now."

"And who's fault is that?!"

Julian and Amaya walked past the door frame before walking backwards when they saw their friends.

"What are you doing here?" Sapphire asked frowning.

Julian huffed and that's when she noticed the pigtails on either side of his head making her snort.

"What look are you going for? Middle school horse girl?" Lachlan asked, making a face.

Julian frowned, "Who are you?"

"Someone with a much better sense of style than you," Lachlan answered scoffing.

Maddox shook his head sighing before introducing them, "Julian, Amaya those are Hunter, Lachlan and Ayla from Section Four."

Hunter came in front of them and kissed Amaya's hand, "Pleased to meet yo-"

Julian pushed him slowly away, "Personal space thank you."

Sapphire noticed the way Ayla was looking at Hunter when he semi kissed Amaya's hand, she could almost swear a look of jealousy was thrown.

Amaya chuckled and kissed Julian's cheek to reassure him, "As he said, I'm Amaya and Julian's my boyfriend."

"Can I ask why you're boyfriend came to a delinquent school with pigtails, not that I'm against bullying but it is going to happen if you keep those," Lachlan said gesturing with disgust to his pigtails.

Maddox nodded, "He's right."

Julian sighed and took a seat before he spoke, "I made a deal with Amaya, if I could walk in the grocery store with these and steal some corn without getting caught, I could eat the last piece of coffee caramel cake."

"I have so many questions about that deal," Sapphire said tilting her head.

"Me too, anyways," Julian continued, "My mother happened to go to the grocery store at that moment and she saw me slip the corn in my bag. She made me return it, apologize to the manager and sent both of us back here and since I didn't complete the dare I have to keep the pigtails for the rest of the day."

"First of all why corn? And that seems like a lot of efforts for a piece of cake," Lachlan said, putting emphasis on the word efforts.

Amaya answered, "The corn is about a joke between us, the cake is really good."

"You don't understand, the cake is divine and her father only makes it ONCE a month, that's only twelve times a year!!" Julian exclaimed.

"Don't we have a great mathematician here," Lachlan said, his attention on his phone.

Julian turned to Maddox, "Your friends are mean."

"We're criminal, what did you expect, flowers and butterflies," Hunter said chuckling.

Sapphire frowned, "You're scared of butterflies, I don't think you can talk."

Ayla snorted, "Sapphire I just keep liking you more and more."

Hunter scowled, "More than me?"

Ayla brought back her attention on him, and Sapphire saw it, the same love Hunter was looking at her with back in the woods.

She was about to answer his question but a high pitched scream nearly turned them deaf.


They all rushed outside, except Lachlan, to see what all the commotion was about.

The boys from earlier were standing there, white as snow as their eyes were focused on the tiny creature crawling on the wall.

"So-someone k-kill it," one of them stuttered.

Sapphire and her friends were all looking at them in amusement, not one wanting to move the spider out of pure fun from watching them so frightened.

Lachlan came out at that instant and threw a bored look at the scene, becoming exasperated when he realized the situation.

"There's something very wrong with this place," he muttered, putting the spider on his finger.

He went back in the classroom, opened one of the windows as much as he could with the metal bars and threw it out before walking back in the hall.

Sapphire shook her head, "You had the opportunity to throw it on one of them and you didn't do it, Lachlan, I'm disappointed."

"What's going on here?!" Ricardo boomed when he got off the elevator.

"Lachlan disappointed the world today," Sapphire said, a hand on her heart, "He's becoming a good person." She said the last part lower, as if it were some forbidden word.

Ricardo sighed, "Are you done with the chairs and desks?"

"Yes," Hunter answered, "We are finally free."

He grabbed Ayla and Lachlan's hands and sprinted out dragging them.

Ricardo scowled, "Actually you sti-"

"Sorry Ricky!!!" Sapphire yelled before following Hunter's lead, grabbing Maddox and Julian's hands. Amaya having already started to run towards the stairs.

"Still need to clean everything," Ricardo completed, his gaze moving from the stairs' doors to the group of boys.

"I wasn't about to drop this on you, but oh well," Ricardo shrugged, "I want every single classroom cleaned and shining when I come back this afternoon, if not, you will be obligated to serve Maddox and Sapphire with whatever they want for a whole month, clear?"

Ricardo knew he couldn't do that, but they didn't. The kids nodded excessively fast before running to a nearby janitor's closet.

Ricardo walked to the elevator, whistling in joy.

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