Let The Fun Begin

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Chapter Eleven

It's been a little over a week and everything has been going normally.

Jason is still in New York he's just doing business here with Stephan and the other guys so I still don't get to see him much but every once in a while he randomly pops up.

Thankfully, he's been showing up alone and I appreciate him respecting my wishes even though he didn't have a choice.

Today I got off at two in the afternoon so I decided to get changed into some clothes for the gym after a quick shower. The temperature has been dropping within the last few days so I slipped on some leggings and a jacket.

When I entered the gym I saw Mikhail training in the ring with a woman so I took a seat not too far away.

Her hair was dyed a dark shade of blue and I could spot a few piercings from where I was. She was kicking ass in the ring, for a minute I thought Mikhail was going to lose.

After about ten minutes they finished up and had a brief conversation before he walked up to me.

"Are my eyes seeing correctly, has the famous Mikhail finally met his match?" He scoffed and shrugged me off.

"Oh please, I think something is wrong with your eyes."

I watched as he walked to the hamper to throw in his towel. He grabbed a new one and headed back over to me.

"You sure you don't want to take a break after that? I'd hate to send you over the edge." Mikhail's laugh echoed through the gym.

"You think you're funny, maybe comedians shouldn't get in a ring with one of the best boxers  in the world."

"Careful, being too cocky is a weak move."

We started to do a few practice rounds before we really decided to dive in like we usually do. For almost two weeks I've been coming here as much as I can and today we made plans to go somewhere since we couldn't the last time.

It was nice to get back into an old hobby to keep afloat in this head of mines. Jason has been acting real suspicious lately and I can't seem to figure it out.

I usually do figure out what he has going on right away even when we were children . I've come up with many scenarios in my head that could explain what it is or what it could be.

I'm lucky my stress doesn't show in the form of grey hairs or I would have been looking like an elderly woman. I might as well start carrying a cane.

"That was all me in there." I told Mikhail and hopped out of the ring.

In a matter of seconds I felt a stiff object hit my head. When I turned around I saw the right hand of a boxing glove hit the ground.

"You're lucky I'm too tired."

We went our separate ways into the washrooms and I took a shower to clean up. I have no clue what to do today but I'm ready. It's better than sitting at home doing nothing. It gets a bit depressing.

"So what did you have in mind?" We both had cleaned up and met back up in the gym.

"I want to take you to a casino that I own, you can bring Sophia if you'd like."

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Mikhail asked me after I didn't reply for a few seconds.

"Since when did you own a casino?"

"A lot has changed over the years, either way it's a story for another time. Are you on for tonight?"

"What kind of person would I be if I say no?"

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