I'll Be On My Way

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Chapter Seventeen

When you wake up you want to be met with the smell of breakfast cooking. Maybe the warm sun on your body shining through the window.

When I was younger that's what I was waking up to. Jason would wake me up for breakfast and I'd sometimes throw a fit, but when we all sat at the table together the moment was irreplaceable.

As the years passed family time got shorter and everyone slowly broke off from each other.

The point is waking up to that was better. Anything except waking up in somebody else's bed. I looked around and this room was certainly not the bedroom I was in yesterday.

The room I was in yesterday was bright with beautiful decor. This room was more dark and had its own way of its appealing look.

The room wasn't ugly, it was neat. This was just the complete opposite of the other room from yesterday afternoon.

Next to me was my cell and my purse. I grabbed both and decided now was the time to slide away to Sophia.

Instead of sliding I literally tripped over something on the floor. After a few seconds of me laying there flat out on my face, I realized I fell over something that was hot.

Hot as in their body heat of course.

As per usual the universe never fails to find a way to put me in a sticky situation because this body belonged to Stephan.

Never have I ever sprung to my feet so fast. Once I was up he slowly rose to his feet as well, his height quickly towered over mine.

"How did I get in here?" I put some space between us. My arms were crossed and my words came out a bit more harsh then I expected.

"You walked in here and curled up right on top of me." He told me and I insanely felt embarrassed. By the looks of the amusement on his face I could tell my cheeks were a bright pink color.

Last night I must have been so drunk that I didn't even look around the room before I laid down in somebody else's bed.

I said my apologies and he dismissed it, telling me it was not a big deal.

"How did you end up on the floor then?"

"You were drunk, so I let you have the bed and I took the floor." He shrugged his shoulders and leaned his back against the wall. This time his arms were crossed.

"Oh, well thank you for that." Even though it made me feel 10x worse, it was really polite of him to do that.

He didn't speak he only nodded his head I guess in a way to acknowledge me.

"And can you do me a small favor?" I asked him as I went to his door to pick up my heels. When I turned around he was looking at me with one of his eyebrows raised.

"I appreciate what you did last night at the bar, but I had it under control. You don't have to do that anymore."

"Do what, Emma?" His voice was still raspy and it held bass. It didn't help that he was speaking low so I looked at his lips for a split second to read them.

"Uh...stick up for me, I guess? I don't know but the point is I didn't need saving and I don't want your protection." Once again my tone was back to being harsh but I couldn't help it.

Maybe I wasn't mad at the fact that he helped me, maybe the real reason was the fact that he made me feel protected.

Even though we weren't together he still left me in a sense, I refuse to feel protected by a person that is unreliable.

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