Malfoy Manor

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Then it hit me, I was in Malfoy Manor. I panicked. The last time I was here Bellatrix torchered me over and over with the cruicio curse and left with the words mudblood cared into my forarm. I was happy to escape alive, not to end up back here in a worse situation. I had to calm my mind down if I was going to attempt to get out of there. I took a few deep breaths of the musty air and relaxed a bit. I had to think smartly if I were to escape, I thought to myself. I tugged on the chains once more to see if they would budge, no use. Because both my wrists and ankles were tightly chained to the unsteady metal bed I was laying on, I had no way to even lift a muscle. The only other thing in the room was a chair that was across the room and my wand was no ware in sight. There was nothing I could do or try, I was powerless. All I could do was wait and see what was to come.

Sometime later Hermione was startled to a black figure making a way into her cell. Unlocking the door with a spell muttered under his breath then stepping in to re-lock it again with another spell. I was scared. I try and be the hero most of the time, not backing down a fight. But what choice did I have, I didn't have magic to use to protect me and I couldn't move, basically a paralyzed muggle. The figure made its way to her right side and stood, staring at her. It seemed like an eternity before the figure turned on a bright almost blinding light above her. She didn't see the light before to the darkness filling the cell. The light blinded her for moments until her eyes adjusted to the light. As they were processing trying to make out the figure next to her, the figure said "Welcome back Mudblood".

Hermione instantly knew who this was. The Slytherin Prince. Enemy of Hogwarts. Young Deatheater. Who she punched third year... Draco Malfoy. Who else should she have expected. Malfoy Manor, Deatheaters, of course Draco was here. "What do you want from me, Ferret?!" Hermione said through her teeth. "I like your new attitude Granger, your not so Gryffindor Princess-like anymore" Draco said as he grinned. "Let me go!" I demanded. "You see Granger. I have captured you because it was the Lords orders. Don't think you're here because I want you here, filthy little mudblood." he said. "What could I have done that the famous Malfoys and Voldemort would be hunting me down for" I said sarcastically. "You know what you did Granger, you ran. All of those kids you managed to slip though our fingers before there sorting took place was stupid of you. Guess what there all gone! Well except the purebloods, they could be useful." Hermione shocked then disappointed that they died for nothing, because of her, they wouldn't be able to see there familys again. "Ahaha, Mudblood you brought them that fate. They could have just been death eaters and at least lived, but you're silly actions got them ware they are." Draco said. "Anyways back to the point. You were brought here not only because you escaped the deatheater sorting process but also because the Lord has interest in you. I do not know of the such thing but until he is ready for you shortly he has asked me to pull information from you." He paused then grinned. "Using any and all ways possible to get it". My mind spiraled. He's going to torcher the information right out of me. I won't let him. He can try all he wants but he won't make any progress. I demand myself mentally. You might be thinking what could I possibly have in my mind worth hiding from Malfoy. The thing is I don't know. But sense I was 11, sense I first came to Hogwarts there was always been some magic blocking something in my mind. I have done my share of using various spells and sorts to unlock this memory, whatever it is, but have had no luck. Voldemort must want whatever it is in my head. Bellatrix during her torchering session with me earlier this year searched my mind and was blocked as well, I bet she told him. I mentally sighed not exited to what was to come.

Almost immediately Draco said, "lets see what you're blocking in that muggle mind of yours Granger" and went right in. He went though lots of past memories for details that didn't matter anymore, we're only useful during or before the war. My thoughts on how to escape this place, he smirked. I needed new ideas now. And finally at the end of the trail of memories came to a halt at the locked memory. Malfoy tried but failed to get it open than left my mind. "Your a stubborn one Granger, but don't worry I'll get it out of you" he said. In the blink of an eye he started his list of ways to unlock it, starting with random unlocking charms and curses that were used generally to unlock doors or find lost memories. None worked. He sighed and pointed his wand right at Hermione's face and casted "Crucio". The pain was unbearable, not the first time but definatly stung. Over and over he cursed me, the look in his eyes were emotionless. But when it got him nowhere the looked changed to rage. Almost like he wanted to kill me on the spot right there and then. Time passed and other unforgivable spells and torcher curses were cast on Hermione. In the end she could barely stay awake and fight the pain, but stayed awake to show him no mercy. "Well the funs over" he said looking at me. "The Dark Lord has requested to see you immediately" he said slowly and dangerously with a smirk on his pale, ghost like face. This was it, time she dies. She thought to herself. Before she could finish processing she was stunned. Everything went dark.

Update: thank you guys for 3 views, it would mean a lot to me for you guys to vote and share with others, it means so much to me!

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