last happiness

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Jungkook woke up in big space and saw Yeontan holding onto his hand while the other was around Taehyung's finger.

He smiled as he kissed both of their foreheads and heads down to make them some breakfast.

He walks over to the kitchen and starts making breakfast until he felt two arms snake around his waist.

He unconsciously smiled as Taehyung hugs him until.

"DADDY LEAVE MOMMY ALOWNE"A little boy said as he came downstairs.

"Good morning baby" Jungkook said as he picks his son as Tannie hugs him putting his head on his shoulder. 

"Mommy can you dress me" Yeontan said as Jungkook smiled.

"Sure baby just let me finish the pancakes" Jungkook said.

"No daddy can do it" he said as Taehyung smiled but deep inside he was dreading his fate.

"God help me not destroy the kitchen" he said as he starts to cook but when he went close to the stove to turn it on. Well let's say it didn't go as expected.

"Ok Taehyung you can do this" he said as he went towards the stove but jumped back when the fire turned on.

When Jungkook finally came back he found a Taehyung covered in pancake batter and flour, his kitchen was decorated with eggs, flour and batter.

"Ahh I shouldn't have trusted you with this what got into you Namjoon hyung in another version?"  he said as he sighs and starts to clean everything after ordering Taehyung to take a bath.

Finally the kitchen was cleaned and breakfast was cooked. Jungkook smiled as Tannie came running down with Taehyung following him.

"Let's eat" the kid said as he smiled.

Jungkook fed Tannie as Taehyung pouts.

"Baby what about my food?" Taehyung said.

"You big baby let me feed Tannie then I will give you whatever you want" the younger said as he smiled.

"Anything?" Taehyung said as he smirked.

"Stop a kid is eating" he said as he pinched Taehyung's cheeks hardly.

"Ok I am sorry" he said as they smiled while Tannie looks at his parents in aww. He wasn't loved only used.

The baby didn't notice his tears until Jungkook hugs him.

"Tannie baby why are you crying" he said worried.

"Taehyung I told you not make him upset" the younger shouts at the older as the older looks at him in shock.

"I love you guys so much and I want to stay with you guys foever" he said as his parents aww at him and hug him.

What they didn't know were the problems that were gonna attack them.

Was it there last Happiness   





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