👑 Chapter Five 👑

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I stood outside the building I had just walked out of feeling dazed. I couldn't believe that I actually got the job. It had been hard to concentrate at first considering Marini, my future boss and the lady I would be protecting was a little intimidating. She had this aura of confidence and power around her that made me kind of doubt myself. To add to it she was gorgeous and very kind unlike a lot of women in power I had come in contact with.

The first thing I had noticed about her were her looks, her posture and her sharp dressing. She looked like her sisters and even though you could tell them apart you also couldn't help but notice the similarities between them. Then she talked and I felt like I should bow down or kneel. Her tone of voice was strong and was loaded with authority. I guess that came with being that powerful and a female.

I had been nervous during the whole interview. I felt like an eighteen year old boy going for his college interview all over again. Then she began asking all these questions and I had to calm myself and be as cool as possible. I had forgotten all about Kim while applying for the job but I was glad she was okay with me keeping him. Now that rose another disturbing thought. I would be living with her. I know it made sense considering I was her bodyguard but still it was a little scary living with my boss. I better get used to that idea fast before it interfered with my work.

My bolt pulled up and I got into the backseat. He confirmed my destination before driving off. I stared at all the folders in my lap knowing they were just the beginning to the change in my life. I had to leave all my documents with Marini and I got other's to take home with me and look through them before our meeting the next day. Joan had showed me around the company and everyone was so busy and put together but also very happy with what they were doing. It was a little awkward at first between me and Joan but once we got to know each other it was great. I found out that she was actually dating and they'd been together for about two years and were going on strong. I wished nothing but happiness for those two. I was ingrained into the system and would get to collect my badge on Monday.

I also had a copy of the contract that I'd gone through. There were a lot of legalities in there but it basically stated that the contract required me to work for her for a full year. After the year was complete depending on my performance she would choose whether to terminate the contract or extend it. She could fire me before the year was over if I broke the rules like getting intoxicated at work or if I didn't do my job correctly and put her life at more risk. I was also required to do a full health and fitness checkup checkup every two months to make sure I was in good shape for the job. I would basically be Marini's shadow and protect her with my life. I was required to travel with her everywhere and I would only get Sundays off unless we weren't home which was okay with me. I'd probably lay around all day anyway or hang out with Jeremy. The salary was actually pretty good and came with all kinds of perks like health insurance. As long as I did my job well this was going to be a smooth job.

I arrived back at the apartment building and after paying my driver I went in. I ran into the kid watching Kim in the hallway. Kim was the first to notice me and came hurtling fast and launched himself at me paws on my chest as he licked my face.

"Hey boy, good to see you too." I chuckled peeling him off me.

"Thanks for watching him today." I thanked the kid whose name I really should remember by now.

"It was my pleasure. We got a ton of numbers today didn't we Kim?" He asked and Kim barked in reply as if he understood the question.

"Say goodbye Kim." I instructed and Kim rubbed himself against the kids legs earning himself an ear scratch.

He came back to my side and we walked to our apartment. I unlocked the door to let us in and Kim went directly to his spot by the couch and curled up to sleep. He must have had an exhausting day.

All Hail His Queen ( The Matriarchy Series Book 1)✔️ Where stories live. Discover now