👑 Chapter Twenty Nine 👑

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I drove home from my date with Sheila feeling empty just like I always did after spending time with her. I always put on a fake smile in front of her and everyone else whenever they asked about our relationship but deep down I was not happy. I was forcing myself to be with someone and it was taking its toll on me. I was getting more and more convicted about breaking things off with Sheila but I was holding back.

Dating her gave me an excuse to be away from Marini. We hadn't been in the best of terms ever since I started dating Sheila and even if the distance hurt me it was for the best. If I broke up with Sheila then I be would be back to step one. I wasn't far from it but it was better than nothing. When I got home from the museum in hopes to talk to her about her attitude towards Sheila, Marini was already in her room. I knew she wasn't sleeping because I could hear the keys of her laptop clicking away. She was avoiding me which I was already used to but I thought that after the day we'd had with the kids it would at least get better but I was just lying to myself.

I had decided to end my date with Sheila early feigning a headache because my mind was elsewhere. She had agreed being the understanding girlfriend that she was and let me head home saying she would hang out with a few of her girlfriends for the rest of the afternoon. I parked the car in front of the house planning to park it in the garage later. Two old men descending the patio stairs caught my attention and I stopped at the bottom to give them way. I had never seen them before but if they were leaving then Marini must have allowed them in. They scrutinized me as they passed by but didn't say a word in my direction. I was all for respecting the elderly but I had a bad feeling about them. Once they had passed me I walked up to the house to check up on Marini and get some information on the two old men.

Kim met me by the door barking excitedly and I gave him some half assed attention more concerned about the lady heading up the stairs.

"Marini." I called out to her standing at the bottom of the stairs.

She didn't even turn to look at me or acknowledge that she had heard me. I jogged up taking three steps at a time in hopes of catching her.

"Hey wait up, who were those two old men?"I shouted after her hoping to get her attention and some answers but she still ignored me.

I caught up to her just as she opened her bedroom door and pulled her back by her arm careful not to hurt her but still firm enough to get her attention.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked her noticing the troubled look on her face. What had those two old old men told her that had her so worried?

"Nothing."She replied and yanked her hand away from my grip. I could have easily pulled her back but I didn't want use any force on her. That would be crossing the line.

She then slammed the door in my face closing me out. I was used to Marini slamming doors over the past few months. It was nothing unusual anymore but there was something different about that slam. Sorry I'm saying slam too many times but I needed to make a point.

Before it was like she wanted to let everyone know that she was angry. A few minutes ago she had just shut the door so hard as if doing that would mean closing away all her life problems. She looked like she wanted to disappear and never be found again.

Something was terribly wrong. I knocked on her door a few more times to get her attention.

"Isaac I swear to all that I hold dear if you don't stop knocking on that door I will come out there and hit your genitals so hard your great grand children will feel it."She yelled angrily and out of reflex I cupped my manhood after hearing her threat.

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