👑 Chapter Nineteen 👑

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"We made the tabloids again." I announced to Marini as we sat in the balcony having breakfast.

It was our last day at Mombasa and I was feeling kinda sad that we had to leave. It had been an amazing week spending it with Marini but it was now time to go back to our normal lives. The vacation was over. We had been at Mombasa for more than a week. It was Sunday and we were supposed to fly out before noon so we could use the afternoon to rest since Marini had to be back to work bright and early Monday morning. You all know what that meant. Marini going to work meant I had to go work too. Such a bummer.

"What are they saying this time?" She asked me.

"Same thing just different images."I replied pushing my iPad away knowing Marini wasn't interested in looking at what was on it.

"Let them talk. It's their job anyways as long as they are not doing any harm. It's also free publicity for me." She added and I smiled.

Last Saturday when Marini and I went to the beach together someone took photographs of us and posted them all over social media. The gossip columns ate it up like bees to nectar and it circulated really fast. The headlines had been hilarious, all speculating about who I was and what I was doing with Marini. Some thought I was her boyfriend or fiancee, others thought that we had eloped and were on our honeymoon while others thought I was an investor so Marini had taken it upon herself to show me around. Some had even tried digging up dirt on me and figuring out who I was but I was not on social media so they had all come up blank.

It was funny how each day there were photos of us going around different places and touring and each day a new rumour about our relationship. They were all so far fetched and it was just funny reading their assumptions. Too bad our little get away was over so no more photos for them to take and gossip about.

After Marini and I had our talk where she had turned me down in the kindest way possible I had decided to just agree with her and see how things went. I had admired her for being honest about how she felt instead of stringing me along. It had hurt at first but after seeing everything from her perspective I had no choice but to lock down my feelings deep down in hope that I'd eventually forget them. I had been consoled with the fact that Marini had shared my feelings even if she didn't want to explore the possibilities of where they could lead us.

She was willing to be mature about it and tell me that there was no hope for us. I was a gentleman and I respected her feelings so I would keep my distance because she deserved that. There was no more thoughts of what Marini and I could become because she had made it clear that it would never happen and even though I was not okay with it I had to accept it.

"Are you done?" She asked cutting through my thoughts.

"With what?"I inquired.

"Everything, breakfast and packing too. We need to be leaving soon."She expounded.

"Yes to both. All my stuff is at the door and I'm ready to leave." I replied.

"Good." She said leaning back on the chair.

"I know we didn't come here for all the right reasons but after that was done I had fun. It was a welcome unplanned vacation and I am going to miss this place." She admitted.

"Me too but we can always come back." I insisted.

"Yeah you're right." She agreed.

"Thank you for showing me around."I thanked her.

"You're welcome and honestly it was my pleasure." She said with a smile that I returned.

"If we had more time we could have driven back." I suggested.

All Hail His Queen ( The Matriarchy Series Book 1)✔️ Where stories live. Discover now