👑 Chapter Six 👑

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My thoughts wandered everywhere on the drive home from Church after a very powerful service. My sisters both had separate afternoon plans so I decided to head back home and have a quiet afternoon in. Maybe I'd throw on my bikini and get some sun by the pool. I hadn't done that in a while.

Then I remembered my new house guest. I didn't think he would mind, plus it was my house and I was free to do whatever I wanted. It had been very weird for me when he had showed up yesterday but I had covered it up with a smile so as not to scare him away. His presence was something I needed to get used to. He was actually a decent human being and his dog was very likable too.

When I woke up that morning they were still asleep so I'd just gotten ready and gone to church not wanting to disturb them. I didn't know if Isaac was a church person or not so I didn't want to overstep my boundaries by inviting him to church. His files did say he was a Christian but that was as much as I knew. He was also a gentleman and had good manners. I had expected to find dirty dishes in the sink when I woke up but he had cleaned up after himself. Seems like we weren't going to have any issues when it came to tidiness.

Things were still tense between us and I had to find a way to bridge that gap because of the amount of time we would be spending together. I didn't expect us to become best friends but I expected us to be acquainted enough to carry on a decent conversation whenever we were alone instead of sitting in awkward silence. Now what could I do to change that between us?

"Ma'am were here." Josiah informed me cutting through my train of thought as he stood by the opened door.

I didn't even notice us getting into the compound.

"Thanks Josiah. Have a lovely afternoon." I wished him getting out of the car.

"You too miss." He replied closing the door and getting back into the driver's seat.

He was going to park the car in the garage and take his small Toyota. I'd gotten it for him when I noticed he took a taxi home after dropping me off. When I asked him why he didn't his use my car he'd said that it was too large and he felt weird driving in it alone. I didn't like that so I got him his own car, a smaller model. He'd refused at first until I told him I'd be cutting it off his salary every month. Of course I didn't do that and he never asked so we never talked about it. I always got what I wanted in the end without having to make such a huge fuss about it.

I got into the house and found Isaac in the kitchen wearing an apron very busy cooking. Kim was in the living room lying on the carpet. When he saw me he got off the floor and walked fast towards me. I held out my hand for him which be nuzzled his face against and licked a few times. He had to be the most adorable dog ever, I was so glad he was house trained and clean because a lot of things in the living room were white and I wouldn't want those ruined.

"Welcome home and just in time for lunch." Isaac exclaimed noticing my presence too.

He looked kind of funny in my kitchen wearing an apron and cooking but I didn't comment on it. Men and women should after all be equal and given the same opportunities. If I could cook so should he.

"Thank you. It smells amazing." I complimented shedding off my coat, shoes and bag and leaving them on one of the sofas leaving me in another one of my Ankara maxi dresses. I believed in dressing decently always but even more for church.

"You're not going to comment about a man in your kitchen." He quizzed.

I laughed at how confused he looked.

"No because I believe in equal rights and responsibilities for both men and women." I replied taking a seat in one of the kitchen stools.

"Quite the feminist I see."He said.

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