👑 Chapter Twenty Seven 👑

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I walked into the kitchen fighting off a yawn in desperate need of some breakfast and coffee to be fully alert. To my surprise Marini was already in there taking her breakfast.

"Good morning." I greeted and proceeded to serve myself some coffee.

"Morning. We're into nudity now are we." She teased and I looked down to realize I was shirtless and only in my sweatpants.

"Crap! Sorry I'll go put something on." I apologized and turned around to leave but she stopped me.

"No need. I'm leaving anyway and you can go fully nude as long as Kim can handle it." She replied getting up and I now realized that she was all dressed up.

I flushed at her comment on going nude until what she had said caught my ear and I turned my attention to her. She was dressed in a white long sleeved collared blouse tucked into black jeans with rips at the knees and had on a simple black belt and her black handbag was on the counter. She was wearing red heels to match her red lipstick and red nail Polish. She looked casual but still remarkable enough to turn a few heads.

"Where are you going?" I asked her folding my arms on my chest.

I didn't know we had anywhere to be on a Saturday morning; if I did I would have been ready.

"Don't give me that look. I didn't want to spend another Saturday alone in the house alone with Kim while you went running around town with your little girlfriend so I made plans." She replied and I smiled.

"You know her name Marini." I teased.

"Shaka or Shaman something. Anyway I'll be leaving now. You guys have fun." She dismissed trying to walk away but I sidestepped her to block her path.

She gave me an irritated look but she knew I wouldn't budge until she told me where she was going.

"It's Sheila and you know it. Now tell me where you're going."I asked.

I'd been dating Sheila for about three months and for that time Marini had never called her by her name. There was always a made up name that didn't even come close to Sheila. I had tried asking her a few times if she had a problem with Sheila but she always played it off saying she was just terrible with names. I knew that was a lie because she could remember names of people she had literally met just once. After pushing her about it a few times I gave up because I never got anything concrete out of her. I had a gut feeling Marini didn't like Sheila but I brushed it off because I knew Marini didn't just dislike anyone for no reason. They hadn't even properly met yet so who was I to judge.

"You're acting like my dad." Marini retorted.

"I'm not your dad, I'm your bodyguard and its my job to protect you so tell me where it is that we're going so I can go get ready." I asked in a no nonsense tone and she knew I wasn't kidding anymore.

Marini had only even been without me a handful of times and that was my fault for leaving her on her own but I wouldn't allow her to just leave without an explanation.

"Okay fine. If you must know I'm going for a tour around the city. Every school term my company offers a free tour to a school in the rural areas to a place of their choice around the country. Today there are a few students touring the city and they invited me along. I'm always invited and I usually say no but today I felt like getting out of the house so I'm going." She explained.

"Now that's wasn't so hard was it." I said tweaking her nose and she was quick to slap my hand off.

"Don't do that." She scolded rubbing her nose to get rid of the irritation.

All Hail His Queen ( The Matriarchy Series Book 1)✔️ Where stories live. Discover now