👑 Chapter Three 👑

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Friday had rolled around pretty quickly seeing as it had been only two days away and I found myself looking at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. There wasn't much to prepare except for my outfit since all my documents had already been in place for an event like this. Jeremy had suggested I dress sharp because first impressions are really important. I wasn't picky when it came to my dress code as long as I felt comfortable and liked how I looked I could wear anything. I had decided on blue khakis, a white button down, a grey blazer and some brown loafers. I had a few custom made suits courtesy of my father but I didn't want to look too formal for the interview.

"If you're done admiring yourself breakfast is ready." Jeremy yelled from the kitchen.

I knew he hadn't cooked any breakfast, the only decent thing he could do was make a cup of coffee. Giving myself one last look in the mirror I decided I was good to go. I kept my hair short, kind of having already been used to keeping that way when I was still a vet. I found beards scratchy so I always made sure to trim it down but not shave it off completely.

I walked into the kitchen and found Jeremy drinking coffee and beside him was some pathetic looking attempt at making toast and eggs. How could someone mess up eggs?

"Is that breakfast?" I asked with a cringe.

"Yeah."He replied sheepishly and I laughed at his attempt to look innocent.

I took off my suit jacket, rolled up my sleeves and put on an apron not wanting to mess up my clothes and got to work. Within ten minutes I'd made us some fried eggs, sausages and a few slices of toast each.

"This is one of the reasons I'm going to miss you when you leave." Jeremy commented munching down on some crunchy toast.

"Well I actually hope I get the job so I can stop being your personal chef." I retorted and he frowned at me."Where is Kim?" I asked noticing his absence.

He was always here for breakfast, liked nipping at my heels for a taste of my food. He was a huge fan of toast.

"The neighbors kid came by to pick him up while you were in the bathroom. I asked him to take care of him for a few hours since neither of us will be home." He explained and I nodded in understanding.

Kim had no issues being left in the house alone but the neighbors kid always loved having him. We kept referring to him as the neighbors kid because we always ended forgetting his name. He was fifteen and home schooled so he said Kim was good company for him and he always helped him pick up girls. Apparently Kim was a chick magnet. It was true in a way because we got stopped a lot when I took him for a walk, by all genders but especially the females.

I had no issue with female attention having been used to it all my life because of my looks. As long as they respected my boundaries and personal space they could look all they want. I'm not saying that to be cocky or anything but if I fought it and kept asking people to stop looking it'd take a lot more energy and time. I preferred coming to terms with the fact that I was good looking and that turned heads, that way all the attention wouldn't bother me as much.

I had been in two relationships my whole life and neither of them could handle the distance caused by me being in the military. They had seemed to take it well at first but after a few months they just couldn't handle it anymore and gave up. I didn't blame either of them because I didn't know how it felt to be in their shoes. Not knowing if I was safe or if I'd come back in one piece or never come back at all. I hadn't given up on love. I had just stopped looking.

Now that I was hopeful about getting a stable job maybe I could find someone to build a life with. It's not like I was getting any younger. In a few months I'd be thirty. Many people my age already had significant others but I didn't even have a job. I hoped that would change soon. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

All Hail His Queen ( The Matriarchy Series Book 1)✔️ Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz