Lover Boy

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Fluff Spencer because why nottt & emotional Y/N hehe ;) (also warning: there's a tiny argument but other than that we're good)

Fluff Spencer because why nottt & emotional Y/N hehe ;) (also warning: there's a tiny argument but other than that we're good)

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"God damn it!" You groaned in frustration.

Of course, you would start your period, on the same day you and Reid planned to do something.. fun.

You didn't know how the hell this happened. You had been on birth control this whole time. But at the same time it was a good thing, it meant you weren't pregnant. Thank God. But the cramps that came with this unfortunate cycle was not a good thing.

You plopped on your couch. It had been months since you got your period. And boy, did you take those few months for granted, because this shit, sucks.

As you were sulking and contemplating on calling the birth control company, and cursing them out for giving you false information, your phone rang.

You looked at the caller ID and the time. Shit. You answered the call hesitantly..

"Y/N, your almost 20 minutes late. Why?" Spencer's voice loudly blaring through the speaker of your phone. Christ, he was going to give you a damn headache.

"Jesus, Spencer, why the hell are you so loud?" You groaned. You were supposed to be at his house 20 minutes ago but then, this happened.

"Why the hell are you late Y/N?" His voice sounded.. unhappy.

Jeez, who shit in his cereal this morning.

"You know, Spencer, I really don't fucking care about the fact that i'm late ok?" You huffed, and hung up on him.

That was kind of bitchy, you admit. But he was just getting on your nerves. Maybe, you should call him back..

So you did. You called him and the phone rang two times before Spencer picked up. It was silent, and it was killing you. Did he want you to apologize or something..?

"I-I'm sorry- I'm not trying to sound like a.. bitch I just- I'm having some... problems... right now." You mumbled into the phone.

"It's fine, Y/N, but- are you ok? You've never blown up at me like that.." He sighed, his voice, thankfully, quieter this time.

"I'm fine.. I'm just a little.. stressed." You were not about to tell him about your little ordeal.

"Well.. I know a few ways you could relieve stress" You could hear the cockiness in his voice. That cockiness just made you want to punch him through the phone.

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