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^Evangeline's Outfit^

This is the Halloween Episode! Halloween is coming so I hope this gets you in the spirit. 

--Vicki POV--

"Hi Ty," I say waiting in his car. I'm so damn hungry. 

"Oh my god, Vick what are you doing here?!" He screams. I look up showing him my veins and vampire fangs. He backs away, climbing out of the car. I still attempt to go after him but Stefan grabs me. Tyler tries to run away but Damon pops up out of nowhere.

"What's going on?" Tyler says super confused as I try to get out of Stefan's arms. 

"Don't talk." Damon states.

"Screw you, dude!" Tyler shouts.

"'Dude'? Really? 'Dude?'" Damon respond sarcastically. 

"Damon... Don't." Stefan says trying to prevent him from ripping into Tyler's neck. I wrestle with his arms.

"Oh come on. Who is going to miss this idiot?" Damon nagged. Tyler punches him in the face. Damon doesn't flinch and grabs Tyler by the neck. He compels him to forget everything he saw tonight and throws him over the car, landing on the other side. We leave him stranded.


"Police are organizing a search party for Vicki." Jeremy says leaving the bathroom.

"Wait, shouldn't you be going to school?" Elena asks.

"You're kidding me right?"

"You shouldn't skip school!"

"Your lips keep moving and I don't know why." I snorted. Oh my god he tried so hard to be cool by saying that.

--Vicki POV--

"Matt just don't worry about me." I say hanging up the phone. 

"It's like Logan Fell didn't even die. Someone is covering up his murder." Damon says while playing with some antic.

"What's that?" I ask.

"A special, very old compass." He says as putting down his news paper. "But the question is what was Logan Fell doing with it? Aren't you curious?" He turns to Stefan.

"Well if your so worried that somebody is on to you, leave town." Stefan suggests.

"We should all be worried." He gives him a harsh look.

"I'm like really hungry. Do you have something to eat?" I ask. He goes to his desk and hands me a cup. I look down to red liquid. "What is it?"

"It's what your craving" Stefan tells me.

"Heh. Don't lie to the girl. It is so not what your craving but it will do it a pinch." Damon turns from me to Stefan, again.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Yea, what is it? Is it skunk? St. Bernard? Bambi?" Damon says. I take a sip. "She is new and needs to drink human blood."

"Yeah. Why can't I drink human blood?" Stefan rolls his eyes and walks away.


Before school, Elena and I head to the Salvatore's. Elena rings the bell and opens up is a familiar smirking face. 

"Is Stefan here?" Elena asks uncomfortably. Him and her just broke up so it's awkward. I feel like they'll be that couple who is always on and off. I chug down some of my water.

"Yep." He responds.

"Well, where is he?" She asks bitchily. 

"And good morning to you too."He doesn't even look at me once.

Evangeline Gilbert~ The Vampire Diaries- season oneWhere stories live. Discover now