Under Control

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^Evangeline's Outfit^

"Uncle John is here and Stefan is acting so weird. This day can't get any worse," Elena paced around her room. Someone suddenly rings at the door. "Good, that's Damon." 

"Why did you invite him?" I asked.

"We need to help Stefan. He doesn't act good when he drinks human blood. Damon could possibly be a help," Elena informs me as she goes downstairs to answer the door.

"No, Elena. I will not follow you to your bedroom," I hear Damon say from downstairs. I laugh. A moment later, he comes up with Elena. He flops onto her bed, next to me. I scoot a little farther away from him. 

"Give him a few days give your take," he tells Elena.

"It has been a few days," Elena replies.

"Then give, I don't know. You know your uncle had joined the founders council." 

"Great," I sarcastically announce. 


Later on, at the founder's day kick off party, Stefan got wasted. He said it helped with the cravings. He was actually fun when he was drunk though. I danced with him at the dance floor as Elena just watched. She didn't like this side of him. "How did you get the DJ to stop playing Carol Lockwood's music?" I ask.

"Easy, I compelled him," he twirls me around and I giggle.

"I don't think you should treat humans like objects," I tell him.

"Would you rather be listening to the blues?" he asks.

"I guess not," I respond.

"See, I got everything under control," He says as Elena comes up and grabs my hand.

"Hey! I was dancing," I tell her.

"I don't care," she brings me over to the bar where Damon is sitting. "Jeremy is catching on to vampires."

"Uh... Elena, I was going to tell you this before but I couldn't find the right time when you weren't busy- but he knows already," I say. Damon and Elena's heads perk up.

"Great. Well I'm going to go talk to your Uncle John," Damon announces and he walks away.

"How long did he know for?" Elena asks, concerned.

"A few days, that's it." 

"You kept this from me for more then one d-" Elena cuts off to the sound of fighting outside the Lockwoods mansion. Elena and I run outside to see Matt and Tyler fighting.

"You seriously were making out with my mom!? My mom!?" Matt screams as he throws another punch. Tyler pushes him to the side and starts attacking him. Kelly Donovan fall to the ground as Tyler pushed her away. She bumped her head into something sharp. Tyler keeps beating Matt up as a crowd forms around them. Elena and I keep yelling for him to stop but he doesn't. Alaric comes up from the behind and pulled Tyler off Matt. 

--Stefan POV--

"Do you want to hear the bad news or the really bad news?" Damon asked me.

"I don't want to hear any news," I reply taking another sip of my bourbon.

"Well do you want to hear how the council is back in vampire mode or how I just killed Uncle John Gilbert," Damon smirks.

"W-what?" I stutter.

"Great party, by the way, huh?" Damon walks away. I attempt to race after him but I get distracted by the odd sensation of human blood. I turn to my left to see Kelly Donovan, crying as her forehead bleeds. I walk over to her.

"Are you alright?" I ask. I stare at the blood and the words she said after just muffled out. The blood controls me as I can not keep my eyes away from it. I even reach out and touch her forehead, where the blood gushed out.

"What are you doing?" she asked as I looked at the blood I got on my fingers.

"Uh, nothing. Sorry," I say, walking away. I head outside and lean myself against the fence. I looked at the blood. Without even realizing it, I licked it off my fingers. Shit.

--Third Person--

Meanwhile inside, John Gilbert walks into the house. Damon sees this, knowing he just killed him. "You gotta be kidding me," he says under his breath. 

"I would love if John Gilbert rung the charter bell this year to start the founder's day countdown," Mayor Lockwood said, showing the bell. Everyone cheered. John Gilbert stepped up next to Mayor Lockwood and thanked everyone. After a small speech, he rang the bell. Damon moved up to Alaric.

He whispered "Look at John's ring." So Alaric did and he saw the same ring he had. "Isobel gave you that ring. Isobel's doctor who helped her give birth was Grayson Gilbert, John's brother."

"So you think John knew Isobel?" Alaric asked.

"I think John knows a lot of things."

"I'm sorry dad, I didn't even know what I was doing," Tyler attempted to apologize. Mayor Lockwood slaps him across the face.

"This is the last time you will ever embarrass this family," he left the office, leaving just Tyler in there. Tyler really didn't know what control took over him. This always happened to him. He would black out and not be himself. He couldn't exactly explain it to anyone. People just knew him as the angry jerk that played football.


I told Jeremy about everything. He deserved to know. Elena was talking to Stefan and Jenna was on the phone with Alaric. This day wasn't perfect but it could of ended worse. I flopped on my bed and drifted off.

--Stefan POV--

Later on, I come back from Elena's house to Damon sitting by the fire with a glass of blood. She made me feel better and told me I will get back on track. I don't really know though.

"We have a problem, Stefan. And when I say problem, I mean global crisis. It seems as John Gilbert know eve-" Damon stops talking as he realizes I'm staring at his glass. He smirks and puts his glass on the side table. "I see the need to too strong. Of course it's after all these years. Have a good night brother." He gets up, leaving the glass. I glare at it and slowly stepped closer. One step, the temptation got even stronger. Another step, I felt as if I would die without it. I finally got to the table and picked up the glass. I couldn't resist it anymore. I gulped it down, feeling everything. Guilt, desire, need and satisfaction. 


So I know I said I would post this part on monday, but I had extra time to complete it now. I know it's 12 something in the morning where I live but I'm counting this as a part that came out on Saturday, not Sunday.

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