Fool Me Once

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^Evangeline's Outfit^

I wake up on top of a very uncomfortable bed. I sit up to see a man asleep in a chair. Wait, that's Ben. Bonnie went on a date with him. That doesn't matter because I need to get out of here. I get up very slowly and head towards the door. 

"Yeah, you shouldn't do that," Ben said zooming up to me. 

"I probably shouldn't," I kicked him where it hurts and opened up the door to Anna. I pretty sure Jeremy is practically dating her. I'm also pretty sure she is from the 1800's. She took me and pushed me into the bathroom. "What do you want from me?" I cried.

"Doesn't matter," She slammed the door in my face. I look to the tub to see Bonnie laying in it. 

"Bonnie!" I whispered and ran to her. I shrugged her shoulders but she didn't wake up. I slapped her face and her eyes finally opened.

"Ow!" Bonnie rubbed her cheek and looked up to me "Vangi... Ben is a vamp-" I hushed her and whispered "They can hear." I turned the knob on the sink and it started running. "I think they brought you here to open the tomb. They need a Bennett witch."

"Then why are you here?" Bonnie asked as the bathroom door opened.

"Leverage" Ben said as he turned the water off. He took a hold of me a pushed me out to Anna.

"You have the same hair as Katherine but your sister... she is the whole package." I looked at her confused. "Your brother probably told you about me. I mean we are like practically dating."

--Third Person--

"Duke's a douche," Matt said to Tyler.

"But I mean he always throws a great party." Tyler told him as he put bottles away.

"You should come to Duke's party tonight." Caroline said entering the the Grill the Jeremy.

"Parties aren't really my thing," He flipped a page in his sketch pad.

"Duke always throws a great party. It's only once a year when he comes back from Duke." Caroline said.

"Duke goes to Duke?" Jeremy asked. Before Caroline could answer, Matt walked by. She needed to talk to him about that epic kiss they had.

"Hey Matt, I have a whole speech planned out. Listen," Caroline told him. Matt prepared himself.

-Third Person---

"My mother is stuck in the tomb," Anna told Evangeline. "Katherine couldn't help herself and had to toy around with both the Salvatore brothers. When people found out her secret, people also found out my mothers." Anna's phone started to buzz. She picked it up. "Do you have the spell book?.... mhm...okay." She hung up. "I gotta go, Ben watch them." She walked out the door.

Ben pushed Bonnie and Evangeline onto the beds and sat down. "Is there anything to drink?" Evangeline asked.

"Are you offering?" Ben walked closer.

"No." Evangeline stated bluntly.

"There is a water on the table." she took the water and handed it to Bonnie. Evangeline pointed to Ben and she threw the water at him. With her mind, she started a fire. They got up and tried to flee. Ben caught them before they got the chance. "You'll have to do better than that." In that moment Stefan and Elena barged in. Stefan opened up the blinds so Ben's skin was burning. He swooped Bonnie and Evangeline up and they headed out of there. 

Moments after, Anna walked in to see Ben huddled in a corner. "They got the witch, Damon took the grimoire from me, and they found the spell book. They got everything." She opened up the blinds. "We need to be there when they open up the tomb. Wait, that Duke party thing is in the graveyard, right by the tomb. If I go, I'll be able to get into it in time."


"Fool me once, shame on you. I'm not fooling for your trap again," Damon told me. We decided to let Damon get into the tomb, he won't stop bothering us if we don't. Stefan and Elena thought it was a perfect idea if I convince him for some reason. "And don't say 'Oh, I wasn't even aware of the plan because Stefan and Elena discluded me.' None of that crap."

"We want to help you." I look dead on into those crystal blue eyes. He looks away. "Don't believe me, fine. You can just compel me to ask if I'm lying."


"Why not?"

"I believe you. Fine, you and everyone can help me." I put on a smile.


Everyone arrived at Duke's party. Tyler got drunk, Caroline and Matt got all flirty, Jeremy talked to Anna, and Elena, Damon, Stefan, Bonnie, Grams, and I headed to the tomb. Bonnie and Grams started to chant as Stefan stayed outside to guard. 

"Is that Latin?" Elena asked.

"No, I'm pretty sure it's just gibberish." I say leaning against the wall. All of the sudden, the tomb door opened.

Damon took Elena's hand and said "You are coming in with me to make sure they don't trap me inside." Before I could speak they were already gone. Anna comes into the room and walks into the tomb as well.

Bonnie was about to catch her but she already went in. She looked at Grams, concerned. "It's okay child. None of the vampires going in, will come out. We only opened the door, not the spell." My head perked up to that. 

Stefan came in. "Where is she?" He asks. In that moment, Elena screamed. Stefan rushed inside. 

"No, no.. we need to get them out!" Bonnie said. She started doing the spell and Grams joined. Anna came out with her mother, and so did Elena. Damon and Stefan were still in there. Bonnie and Grams struggled to hold the spell and their noses were bleeding. They were dying. 

I rushed into the tomb to see Damon throw a blood bag at the wall. "She isn't in here! She hasn't been in here for the last 145 years! She is living her life somewhere not giving a damn about me."

"Damon!" I scream. "You guys need to get out now!" They follow behind me and Grams and Bonnie stop rehearsing the spell. Elena goes outside to Jeremy who is laying on the ground.

"The only reason why Anna got pasted Stefan is because she used Jeremy as bait. They knocked him out and brought him here." I looked to Jeremy and to Damon. He was just standing there, saying nothing. He was in shock. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him. I didn't care if he didn't hug me back, he needed one.

"I'm sorry," I whisper and let him go. I look back one more time to those crystal blue eyes before I walk away to head to Bonnie's.

I made myself some coffee and sat down next to Elena. She was on the phone with Stefan. All of the sudden I hear Bonnie scream tears. I rush into the room to see Grams laying on the bed, breathless. "NO!" Bonnie yelled "No, no! I can fix this," she took out a spellbook. "I can fix this!" I got Bonnie's phone and dialed the police. Elena took the spellbook away from Bonnie, comforted her. I joined the hug.

"There isn't anything you can do," Elena whispered. Police sirens started to roar.

--Third Person--

The desiccated vampire corpse took the blood bag Damon previously threw and the wall. The vampire sucked the blood and came back to life. He slammed the tomb door until it opened.


So I realized some people just follow me to later unfollow because I started to follow them. You're obviously not one of those people because you wouldn't be reading this and I owe a big thanks to you for that! It really does mean a lot!

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