Blood Brothers

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^Evangeline's Outfit^

Episode 20!

--FLASHBACK-1864 Mystic Falls, Virginia--

--Stefan POV--

"You distract them, I'll get her," Damon directed me as we watch the men put Katherine into the back of a carriage. I nodded to Damon's words.

"Hey, I think I saw another one!" I shout to the men. All their heads perk up. I point to a direction in the woods and they all herd there. I rushed over to Damon who has Katherine out of the carriage. I struggle to take the head piece they put on her so she wouldn't bite off. 

I hear a gun go off and Damon collapses to the ground. Before I can comprehend what just happened, I get shot twice in the heart. I fall to the ground as well. "I love you, Stefan," Katherine whispers before my mind went blank. 

--Present Day--

"I love you, Stefan," Elena whispered to him through the cellar door. 

"It's hard seeing him locked up like this," I say.

"Your the one that suggested locking him up," Damon told me from behind.

"You helped," I say, looking at him.

"Well I couldn't let him chewing on people while this town is looking for vampires, now could I?" Damon narrowed his eyes. I rolled mine and turned back to Elena who is looking at both of us, very confused. 

"Did you find out what that thing Pearl gave you is?" Elena asked.

"I had and I idea but now, I'm not so sure," Damon replied. Suddenly, his phone started to buzz. He picked it up. "It's Alaric."

--Jeremy POV--

"Surprise!" Anna walked up. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask with a smile, looking at the school environment.

"My mom said I can go here!" She looked very excited.

"Here? Highschool? Why would you want to go?"I asked.

"This may sound stupid but um... I want to go here because of you," She told me. I leaned in for a kiss and her lips touched mine. 


After a few hours, Damon came back from going on a trip with Alaric. He said they met a vampire that John Gilbert knew but didn't get any good info out of him. Plus, he thinks he saw Rick having his mid life crisis. Elena talked to Stefan for a little bit, and came back into the living room. She sat next to me and told us, "Stefan just told me that his first feed was on his father. He is feeling super guilty about things from the past. Your thought of making his life an eternity of misery is really working," Elena gave Damon a nasty look.

Damon returned the same nasty look. "Did you know that Stefan actually forced me to feed? I wanted to die but... he ruined that." 

--FLASHBACK-1864 Mystic Falls, Virginia--

--Damon POV--

"Damon! I just visited father. There was blood everywhere and... I had some. You don't understand this feeling! I have so much strength and it feels like I can just turn my emotions off with a flick of a switch," Stefan said walking over with a lady. He tilted her head, to show her neck. 

"I won't feed. The only reason I would ever want to be a vampire is because of Katherine. I got news brother! She's dead!" Stefan gave me a look and bit into the lady's neck. He came back up and her neck was bleeding.

"Just have one little ta-" Stefan stopped talking as I bit into the ladies neck, getting flooded with the satisfaction of blood. The rusty taste that went against tongue, didn't taste so good but I wanted it. I came back to my senses and ribbed my head off her neck. Stefan smiled. I looked at him in disgust.

"You got what you wanted. Me for eternity. But I'll be sure to make it a eternity of misery," I say walking away.

--Present Day--

"When Stefan tasted human blood, he was a different person. I suppose I should thank him, it's been a hell of a ride." Damon chugged down his bourbon. Elena stared at Damon, shocked as I didn't say a peep the whole time.

"I'm going to check on Stefan," I say. I walk into the cellar to see him not there. He is missing. His ring is on the bed. Was he going to try to kill himself when the sun came up? I had know idea but I grabbed the ring and warned Elena and Damon. Damon leaded us to somewhere he thinks he would be. By the waterfall. That's where they woke up to Emily giving them rings. That's where he made his mistake. 

Elena jumps out of Damon's car to see Stefan stumbling around. Tears came out of his eyes as he re-lived his deepest memories. I followed behind her. "Damon told us the rest of the story," Elena told him.

"I should of died that night!" he yelled. "Every death that happened after that is because of me."

"The reason why my parents were on the wickery bridge the night they died is because of me. Evangeline and I blew off family night to go to the annual bonfire party. They picked me up early because I wasn't having a good time. They died because of me," Elena told Stefan. It brought back memories of me being drunk, sleeping with Tyler and... the phone call I received from sheriff Forbes in the back of Tyler's car.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Stefan shook his head and looked down. 

"Stefan, look" Stefan turned to me. "You either can take this ring and throw it in the quarry, let the sun come up or take this, and put it on." I handed over the lapis ring. Stefan gazed at it for a little bit but finally took it. "It's your choice." I grabbed Elena's arm and we started to head back to the car.

"Elena," he said but we both turn around. He slips the ring on his finger and ran up to kiss Elena. AIright, no thanks to me, that's fine. I walk back to Damon's car and sat in the passenger seat with a sigh. 

--Third Person--

Anna walks into the living room to see her mother, Pearl laying dead on the ground. She rushed over to her. "Mama! Mother!" she screamed in pain.

Outside, John Gilbert dialed Sheriff Forbes number as he put the stacks into his truck. "Sorry to call so late but I have an update on the vampires."

--Alaric POV--

I sat down at the Grill, finishing another glass of bourbon. I rubbed my head, stressfully. All of the sudden I hear a familiar women's voice say "Hello, Ric." I turn to my side to see a familiar face.



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