Just a normal day...

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Tsukishima's POV: 

,,Ugh, this is annoying" I said with a morning husky voice as I turned off the alarm that woke me up so I could get ready for school. I looked around my room and blinked a few times. My room was filled with so much sunshine, it made my eyes hurt. I got out of bed, took my clothes off and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

I looked at my phone to check the time. It was 6:58, 13th of April. I looked out of my window to admire the scenery for a while. Cherry blossoms were in full bloom, the weather was nice and warm due to all the sunshine. What a beautiful day... I thought. 

I went downstairs to eat some breakfast and make myself some lunch to eat at school. I didn't really want to cook so I just ate some croissants and drank a cup of coffee. I decided to just take some money with me to buy food on my way to school instead of making the food myself. ,,This laziness will kill me one day." I said, complaining to myself. ,,Well, I'll deal with that in the future, not now. I said and shrugged." I took all of my stuff and left the house.

To my surprise, Yamaguchi wasn't there. He usually waits in front of my house so we can walk to school together but I didn't see him anywhere. I stood there for a while waiting for him but he didn't show up. I locked the door, put my headphones on and started walking to school. 

I kept looking around and admiring the scenery on my way there, I even took some pictures and a selfie of myself with cherry blossoms in the background. I don't usually do this kind of stuff but Yamaguchi always liked it when I took a picture of myself just for him and I wanted to see his smile again. He doesn't smile as much as he used to anymore and it makes me kind of sad. He won't tell me what's wrong and it's making me really worried. He means so much to me, I don't want him to be sad, I'd do anything to cheer him up...

Flashback to 5 months ago:

I was walking to school with Yamaguchi. We were chatting casually while watching the snow fall onto the ground. Then he stopped walking and just stood there, in the middle of the sidewalk. I turned around to look at him. He looked so beautiful. He had a black coat on, snowflakes in his hair, rosy cheeks and his eyes were sparkling. ,,What's wrong?" I asked him. 

,,You know, Tsukki..." he said as I walked towards him, listening. ,,You know how I've always admired you..." he continued. I kept looking at him. I was afraid of what he's gonna say next. I was afraid that he'd leave me. He was my only friend and I liked him... No, I loved him. I didn't want to ruin our friendship so I kept quiet but I was deeply in love with him. I was always a loner without any friends, nobody really liked me. But he did. He actually wanted to be my friend. And even though I wanted to be much more than that, I was happy. I was happy to have him in my life. ,,I... I think I love you..." he said, interrupting my thoughts. 

...What? He what? He... loves me? No way! No... There's no way... Yeah, I must have heard wrong. I panicked internally. ,,What? Sorry, I think I heard wrong?" I said, confused. He was blushing. I might be dumb when it comes to understanding people and how they feel, but I can tell the difference between rosy cheeks and intense blushing and this was definitely the latter. Did he actually say that he loves me...? 

,,I said that I love you. I'm sorry Tsukki, I know that you probably don't feel the same way and that's totally okay, I just needed to say it--" he started apologizing but then fell silent because I grabbed his waist and kissed him gently on the lips. The kiss only lasted for a few seconds but it served the purpose. He wasn't apologizing anymore, he was smiling and I could see the happiness in his eyes. ,,Silly. I love you too" I smiled back at him. ,,Actually, I've loved you for a while now but I kept quiet because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I guess I should have told you earlier, hehe" I confessed and ruffled his hair. Then I took his hand and we intertwined our fingers. 

Back to the present days: 

Yes, he means the world to me. I might seem a little cold sometimes but that's just who I am, he still owns my whole heart. I thought to myself. I should take him out on a date to cheer him up a little, he deserves it. I smiled to myself and started thinking about some cute date ideas as I kept walking to school. 

Don't try to leave ever again - Tsukihina fanfiction (angst?)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang