...his pain.

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Tsukishima's POV: 

I opened my eyes to see myself laying in my bed. I had a black t-shirt with dinosaur print on. ,,Huh? I don't usually wear this... How did I...?" I asked myself, confused. I  tried to get up but I felt someone's arms around me. I looked next to me to see Hinata. He was still sleeping with his mouth slightly open and his arms wrapped around my waist. I felt much better after getting some good sleep thanks to him being next to me. His presence made me feel safe and less sad. He's adorable... I thought as I kept looking at his face. ,,Hinata?" I touched his cheek and accidentally woke him up. ,,Oh, I- I'm sorry! I didn't want to wake you up!" I stuttered after he opened his eyes.  

Hinata's POV: 

I felt something cold on my left cheek and heard someone call my name. I instinctively opened my eyes to see Tsukishima looking at me with a subtle smile on his face, gently rubbing my cheek with his thumb. ,,Oh, I- I'm sorry! I didn't want to wake you up!" he stuttered and blushed a little bit, taking his hand off of my cheek. ,,Good morning." I smiled back at him and got up slowly. ,,Did you sleep well?" I asked as I ruffled his short blonde hair.  ,,Yes, I actually..." he looked down. ,,I had a nightmare. A really bad one... I was scared... But then I saw myself on a meadow filled with flowers with you next to me. You kept reassuring me that everything is okay and..." he stopped. ,,And?" I wanted him to continue. ,,You... You told me that you loved me." he raised his head. I could feel my cheeks turn red. Did he... Did he hear me? Wait, wait... I was there? In his dream? ,,Ummm... Uhh..." I didn't know what to say. 

,,Hinata? Are you okay?" he waved his hand in front of my face. ,,I- uh yes, I'm fine!" I was still embarrassed. ,,What... What happened yesterday? I don't remember much... I remember bleeding and slowly losing consciousness... I was ready to die but then an angel saved me..." he said. An...angel? Does... Is he... talking about me? I tried to keep my cool but the fact that he thought I was an angel made it really hard for me. ,,I mean, I'm not an angel... I think... But yeah, I did save you. I treated your wounds and changed your clothes." I said as confidently as I could. ,,You? But... How did you know... That I... You know..." he was obviously hurt. ,,Coach Ukai said that you bought some blades earlier that day to shave but you didn't come to practice so I put one and one together and ran here as fast as I could. I was really worried." I held his hand and smiled at him. 

He was quiet for a while so I decided to break the silence. ,,How do you feel?" I asked him. ,,I feel a lot better now... I mean... I have a headache and my body hurts, but  I don't have the urge to cut anymore. I'm sorry that I made you worry... I... I was in a lot of pain. I... Never planned that one day I'd be losing him, you know? He was always there since childhood and I grew attached to him. I fell deeply in love with him..." he said with tears in his eyes. I hesitated for a second, not knowing if I should hug him or not. ,,Hey..." I gently touched his shoulder. He raised his head and looked at me with his sad, teary eyes before he burst into tears. He embraced me before I could even realize it. His embrace was painfully tight but I knew that I had to endure it. ,,Hinataaa!" he cried out. ,,Why am I never enough?! What did I do wrong?! Why... Why did he leave me?! Why, why, WHY?! It hurts, Hinata! It hurts so much! Make it stop, please! Just make it stop! You should have just let me die yesterday! I don't want this pain! I don't want to live without him, Hinata!" he kept yelling. It felt horrible and I didn't know what to do. I wanted to help him. I wanted to take away all this pain, but I didn't know how. I wanted to kiss him, tell him how much I love him and that we should just be together from now on and I'll make him happy, but that was not an option. I can't pressure him like this, he just got out of a relationship and he's broken. I'd hate myself if I took advantage of that. ,,Hey, it's okay. You did nothing wrong, Kei. And you're more than enough. It will be okay, I promise. You just need to let it all out. I'm here, you can cry as much as you want." I said as I ran my fingers through his hair. 

He stopped crying after some time but he still held me in his arms. ,,Is it okay if I call you Kei? You can call me Shoyo, if you want. I mean, we've gotten pretty close so..." I slowly pulled away so I could see his face. ,,Yes, I'd like that, Shoyo." he smiled at me. His eyes were still red but his smile was genuine. ,,Come on" I stood up and helped him stand up as well. ,,Let's eat some breakfast." 


Author's note: I couldn't find any better picture of Tsukishima and Hinata hugging each other, please forgive me T-T

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