This is the end...

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Tsukishima's POV: 

I woke up feeling miserable. I don't want to go to school, I look like shit and I feel even worse. What should I do? I asked myself. I looked around my room to see if I can find anything that could make me feel a little bit better. I saw a framed picture of me and Yams and I was on the verge of crying again. I got up to get it and felt weird pain in my right leg. I looked down and saw the cuts. I, once again, remembered everything. I remembered how it made me feel. I remembered being calm.  ,,I need more blades." I said quietly.

I washed my face and dressed up. I tried my best to put on a fake smile and i walked out of my house. I walked for a few minutes and found myself in front of coach's store. I hesitantly walked in and went right to the medical supplies aisle. I grabbed some bandages just in case and a pack of razor blades. I went to the cash register ready to pay but I did not expect to see coach Ukai. ,,Hello" I greeted him and handed him the blades and bandages. ,,I'm sorry for not coming to practice, I was feeling a little down. I'll go home, uh, shave, and then come to practice as usual" I smiled, trying to distract him. He gave me a confused look and said ,,It's okay, take your time kid. It'll get better over time" he smiled. ,,Thank you." I smiled back at him, took my stuff and left. 

Tears started falling down my face as soon as I got home. I hate lying... I won't come to practice today... And tomorrow... And ever again... I collapsed on the floor and cried. I looked at my phone and saw another message from Hinata. It said: ,,Hey! Are you okay? I didn't see you today. Text me.". I didn't know what to say. Eventually, I came up with ,,Yeah I'm fine. Why do you even care, Shrimpy?" I sent the message and then turned off my phone. I went to my room and took the blades with me. 

Hinata's POV: 

Oh, he replied! I felt my phone buzz. He said that he's fine but I don't know... I think I'll check up on him after practice, just to make sure. I thought as I was on my way to the gym. I really hope he's okay... 

Notes from Hinata's diary: 

6th of October: ,,I had a fight with Kageyama today. He's really an idiot! He's my best friend but sometimes he says the dumbest shit. I don't like Tsukishima! He's pretty I guess but that's all, I don't even know him well!" 

21st of October: ,,Dear diary, I think I have a problem. :| I had a weird dream about Tsukishima... We went on a date and he hugged me. Too bad that it was just a dream... WAIT I don't like him!!! Right...?"

 19th of November: ,,We're going to have a practice match against Aoba Johsai! I'm so excited! :D I can't wait to see Grand King!" and later that day:  ,,Tsukishima was sitting next to me in the bus the whole time! >_> He looked annoyed and he didn't want to talk to me but still! I was so nervous, I think I really like him..." 

9th of December: ,,Dear diary... I'm sad. :( Tsukishima and Yamaguchi started dating. I know I should be happy for them but... I'm a little sad and jealous..."

1st of January: ,,Happy new year! We had a New Year party with our friends from Nekoma and Fukurodani, it was so much fun! :D Kenma was on his phone the entire time but it was still fun! I even got to hug Tsukishima! I think I'm in love... <3" 

13th of April: ,,They broke up... Maybe, just maybe... I have a chance? I need to check up on Tsukishima, he didn't come to practice today, I'm worried..." 

Back to present days: 

,,YAY! LET'S PRACTICE" I shouted. I stepped into the gym and looked around. I didn't see Tsukishima anywhere. I got a little sad so I decided to ask Daichi. ,,Captain! Where's Tsukishima? Wasn't he supposed to come to practice today?" I tilted my head. ,,We need to give him some time Hinata." he said. I just nodded and walked away, still worried. 

I was sitting on the ground when coach Ukai came. ,,Tsukishima is not here?" he asked. Everyone just shook their heads. ,,Weird... He was in my store today, he bought some razor blades and said that he'll come to practice after shaving" he said, visibly confused. I was thinking about what he just said and then it got to me. Razor blades? And he's not here? Wait... NO I forced myself to stop thinking about it. ,,I HAVE TO GO!" I yelled as I got up and ran out of the gym. ,,How did they not realize?! Oh God please, I hope I'll make it in time!" I kept yelling on my way to Tsukishima's house. 

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