Chapter 21 - Munchkin

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"Mark!" I scream jumping on him in the middle of the hallway

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"Mark!" I scream jumping on him in the middle of the hallway.

Mark laughs and catches me, as I wrap my legs around his waist and wrap my arms around his neck, and squeeze him tight like a Koula.

I bury my face in his neck and let tears of happiness rush out my eyes.

I look up at Mark's face when I feel a splash of water land on my cheek, "You're crying."

"I'm just really happy to see you," He smiles through his tears.

"I'm really happy to see you too," I say while placing my face back in his neck.

Hearing a screech of shoes that indicates someone has stopped walking swiftly, I look up from Mark and pleading to God that it's not a fan.

If they took a picture of me right now, everyone would interpret it the wrong way.

I guess I would understand why I have my legs wrapped around Mark's waist hugging him for dear life.

However Marks is truly like my big brother, I've never had any romantic feelings towards him ever, I can tell him anything without feeling that he's judging me, no matter the time at night if I need him, he'll answer my call.

Several girls tried to break up our friendship because they thought I would be a threat, stupid idiots.

No matter how many times you tell them that you're just friends, they never listen, and they'll try to ruin my friendship even more.

But guess who Mark always chooses every time?

That's right, ME...

Cue in an evil laugh.

Cutting out of my thoughts I realized Dantes is stood in the hallway with a murderous expression on his face, looking at the two of us.

I quickly take a glance at Mark's confused expression and hop off him to stand between him and Dante.

"What the hell?" Dantes says angrily, gesturing to Mark.

Poor Mark, he standing behind me with an awkward expression plastered on his face while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Who the hell is that?" Dantes continues, advancing towards Mark, I place my hands on his chest when he tries to get by me.

I quickly realize that Dante's eighty percent muscle and a girl like myself who has spaghetti noodles as arms will never be able to hold back someone like him.

Running to stand in front of Mark, I wrap my arms around his waist and plead to the angry beast in front of me to listen, "Dante, he's Mark!"

"Why the fuck do you have your arms wrapped around him?" He exclaims standing inches away from me.

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