Author's Note

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Honestly, I have no words.

I just finished my very first book, and I loved every second! I never would have thought I would write a book and finish it, but here we are.

I fell in love with reading after reading Twilight. For so long my dream was writing my own book and getting it out to the world. I was so scared to post WWA because It's like my baby, and I was afraid someone would steal my plot and work. But a thought came into my mind and told me to man up and post my damn story.

I'm so thankful I did that because I would have never finished my book. I was told by many people that I wouldn't be able to do it. But look at me now, I did it.

And I'm so damn proud of myself.

A big thank you goes out to all my readers who have supported me from day one. I truly love you guys, you all deserve a big hug.

I'm actually getting very emotional writing this because I feel so lucky and loved by all of you. I will not lie writing and updating every single day was very hard. Some days I wanted to throw my laptop down the stairs and scream into my pillow. But I pushed through it for you.

I would tell myself that hard work pays off, and I damn well worked so hard on WWA. I have never been more devoted to something in my life.

So again, just another thank you sincerely for reading and supporting me. This has been a blast I can't wait to give you guys Book two, and Endlessly!

My entire goal of writing WWA was to write a non-cliche book I've never seen. And I think I've accomplished that.

Thank you again. Lots of love.

Xoxo, Lexi


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