Chapter 36 - You make me feel like I'm dreaming

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"Ignore him," Chris's husky voice rumbles in my ear as he tries to attach his lips against mine, I move my head away and back up towards the wall.

"Why's he yelling like that?" I say stressed out.

I'm not going to lie hearing Dante's shouts and bangs from behind the door is frightening me, It sounds like a monster has possessed his disgusting body.

"Just ignore him and act like we're not home," Chris says blankly reaching out and grasping my waist, wrapping my arms around his neck I place my head on his chest listening to his steady heartbeats.

Running his long fingers through my hair he whispers, "I love having you in my arms."

"I love being in your arms, I love hearing your heartbeat pound against your chest."

My head is gripped between his hands and is pulled up to meet his gaze, "How did I get so lucky to have you in my life?"

"That's the same question I ask myself every day when I feel your arms wrap around my waist, when I feel your delict kisses on my lips and forehead," I say, he leans forward, making my breath get caught in my throat.

"You make me feel like I'm dreaming," He says kissing my jaw.

"Someone pinch me," I continue as he trails kisses down my neck.

We both jump back in fright when we hear the front door slam open banging against the wall.

"Bastard," Chris sneers striding out of the bathroom to the monster.

Walking quickly making sure I'm hidden behind Chris's back, I spot the sight in front of us and gasp.

The wall that unfortunately got hit by the door now has a big hole in it, a vase is smashed against the ground, the roses that were beautifully elegant and healthy are now on the floor stepped on by Dantes ugly big feet.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Chris screams and smashes Dante against the wall holding him up by his neck.

Holy cow the way his back muscles flex when he's holding him up, it's the hottest thing I've seen in my life.

Scolding myself in my head... My ex boyfriend is currently being healed up against the wall by my maybe boyfriend... and I'm think about his muscles... please someone send me help.

"What the hell is she doing here?" Dantes snears looking at me than at Chris.

"Non of your damn buissnes why she's here,I want to know why the frick you came into my apartment like the Hulk and starded smashing stuff." Chris says lowly tightening his hold on his neck.

"You want to know the reason," Dantes screams in his face, spit lands on Chris face, but he doesn't flinch back, he's making sure Dantes sees no discomfort. "I came here to get my girlfriend back you dick!"

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