Chapter One

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Bella had already moved out as she was married to Edward Cullen and they had a daughter Renesmee. Bella did not make an effort to meet her younger half-sister, choosing to ignore her.

Y/N didn't make any friends at her new school either, she went almost unnoticed there. She felt truly alone and it only made her miss her mom even more, especially as they had been very close before the accident.

One Saturday morning Bella dropped Renesmee off at Charlie's for a visit but didn't stay herself as she had things to do. After a few hours Charlie was called into the station due to an emergency and as Y/N was home he asked her to keep an eye on Renesmee. This surprised Y/N as she had only met Renesmee briefly a few times as she was not included in 'family time' during Renesmee's visits. This led to Y/N staying in her room during Renesmee's visits as to not be in the way. In fact Y/N stayed in her room even when Renesmee wasn't around for the same reason.

Y/N and Renesmee baked chocolate chips cookies and watched a few Disney films together, before Charlie came home with take out. Y/N had dinner with them that night but only because Renesmee asked her to join them. Charlie did not engage Y/N in conversation other than to ask about what she and Renesmee did whilst he was at work.

That night when Renesmee got home she told her family about the time she spent with Y/N; how much she liked her and that she felt sorry for her as she had lost her mom. This conversation prompted Bella to finally decide to meet Y/N; six months after she had moved to Forks.

This decision prompted Alice to have a vision;

Y/N was in Italy with the Volturi; more specifically with Felix, one of the elite guards. They didn't look happy together either with Felix leaving Y/N alone in her room and making his way to the throne room for guard duty.

Felix spending his evenings with Demetri and Santiago playing cards or playing on his computer console with other members of the guard when not on guard duty at night.

Y/N's room was not very big and was barely decorated and the only visitors she got other than Felix was Gianna, who bought her meals every day, Heidi and Demetri who check in on her.

Edward saw the vision as it happened and knew what he had to; for this solved a problem for everyone, Y/N would leave Forks and live in Volterra. He filled his siblings and Bella in on the plan and they all agreed. "She'll be someone's else's problem soon, Charlie still isn't warming to the idea of having another daughter around" Edward told them, having read Charlie's mind the last time he was over there "Bella, you need to befriend Y/N and bring her over so we can inform her about Vampires; the Volturi and her mate" Bella agreed instantly.

Bella met with Y/N at Charlie's a few days later "Hello Y/N, I'm Bella. I'm sorry for not coming over sooner to meet you" "Hi Bella, that's ok. It's nice to finally meet you" Y/N replied "Yeah you too. How are you settling in?" Bella asked "I'm settling in ok, thanks" Y/N lied.

They spent the afternoon talking to each other attempting to get to know one another. Y/N couldn't help feeling suspicious of Bella; wondering why she came over to meet her and why she was being nice to her after ignoring her the last six months.

The following Friday Bella called and invited Y/N over to the Cullen house "Hello Y/N, I hope you are ok. I'm calling to invite you over tomorrow. I think it would be nice for you to meet Edwards's siblings" "Err, ok thanks. Sounds nice, thank you" Y/N relied. The following morning Bella drove to Charlie's and picked up Y/N and bought her back to the main house. When they arrived Bella introduced her to everyone "Y/N this is my husband Edward" She said pointing to Edward "Hello Edward, it's nice to meet you" Y/N greeted "You too Y/N" Edward smiled "These are my siblings Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, Alice" He continued; they all smiled and said hello to Y/N and she did the same in return. "My father Carlisle is at the hospital and my mother Esme has taken Renesmee out for the day. Hopefully you'll meet them next time" Edward added.

Neither Carlisle nor Esme knew of Edward's plan or the other's involvement as they all knew that they wouldn't agree with or support their plan.

They all sat down in the family room and explained to Y/N that they were vampires and that they feed off of animals instead of humans; hence their golden eyes. They explained that vampires have something called a 'mate'; one person they would love, protect and spend an eternity with. They also explained that Rose and Emmett were mates; as were Jasper and Alice, Edward and Bella and lastly Carlisle and Esme. Alice explained that her, Jasper, Edward and Bella had 'gifts' and explained which each one was. Y/N nodded trying to take in the information so far

Emmett went onto explain about the Volturi who lived in Italy; how they were the rulers of the vampire world enforcing the laws, one of which was that humans were not allowed to know of their existence. "Why have you told me then?" Y/N asked confused. "We have told you about vampires because Alice has had a vision and it showed you with your mate; who is an elite Volturi guard" Edward answered. "What does that mean for me?" She asked "It means that you would need to go to Volterra to be with him. If they came here to check on Renesmee and found out that we knew you were the mate of one of their guards and we didn't tell them; they would kill us and take you to Italy forcibly" Edward continued. "What is the guard I'm mated to like?" She asked. The Cullen siblings and Bella looked at each other before Rosalie answered her "He is known for being the strongest vampire in the world and has killed many vampires and humans alike" Shock flashed across Y/N's face at hearing this "The Volturi do not like humans much; seeing them as not much more than their food source. So the news of one of their elite guards being mated to a human will not go down well" Rosalie continued. "He will likely reject you as his mate as you're human" Bella added "I-If he is to reject me...why does he need to know about me?" Y/N asked. Noone answered her straight away, again looking at each other silently deciding who would answer her.

"As I said before, they would kill us if they found out we kept you from your mate. We can't and won't risk our lives for you" Edward replied rather matter of factly; Y/N said nothing. "You need to know more about your mate" Bella added and Y/N nodded, waiting for someone to continue.

"The Volturi do not usually allow newborns in the castle; however, they will make an exception for you..." "What do you mean newborns?" Y/N cut Edward off sounding confused "Newborns are what newly turned vampires are called" Bella answered her, Y/N nodded "You'll spend your newborn years in the dungeon and provided your mate remembers you're down there; you'll more than likely be taken to a room in one of the towers...where you will spend your eternity once you're no longer a newborn" Edward informed her "W-Why did you say if he remembered I was in the dungeon?" She asked a little worried "Edward means there are vampires that have been down in the dungeons for decades if not centuries. They kinda get forgotten about" Alice replied quickly "So if I am to be rejected, why would he keep me in the castle?" Y/N asked feeling confused. Jasper answered her this time "Once he meets you the mate bond will kick in and he will feel protective of you and will need to know that you are safe. If a vampire loses their mate they become heartbroken and overtime they fall into a deep depression and he won't want that; the Volturi leaders won't want that either as he is too valuable to them. This will still apply even after his rejection of you" "Oh" Was all Y/N could say.

"Some of the Volturi are gifted too, so you won't be able to run and hide either as they have the world's best tracker and they will send him after you and he will find you and drag you back to Volterra kicking and screaming if he has to. You'll also see the cruel side of your mate too if you were to run from him" Emmett added; all of them being careful not to reveal Y/N's mate's name. "You leave for Volterra in three days. We have already bought you a ticket and to ensure you actually get there I will accompany you" Edward says. "So I don't have a choice in this?" Y/N asked "No you don't!" Bella said sharply. "Edward I don't think going to Volterra with another human is a good idea. We have letters for her and Aro; I think it's best if she goes alone" Alice says looking at Edward, who nods "Fine, but I'm taking her to the airport regardless. I'll pick you up at 8pm Tuesday Y/N" Y/N just nods in response. Y/N made sure to not think about how she felt about this around Edward knowing that he may be able to read her mind.

Later that night Y/N started packing a few things for her trip and couldn't help her thoughts 'I find out I have a soulmate; someone who's supposed to love me forever, only to find out that he won't want me. He'll just reject me and lock me away forever. I don't know why I'm so surprised that someone else who is supposed to love me doesn't. It's the story of my life recently, being unwanted and unloved. It's bad enough I have to stay here with Charlie who doesn't want me around.' Tears slipped down her cheeks at the thought of being unloved, unwanted and locked away forever, just to be forgotten about. She cried herself to sleep that night.

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