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"I've missed being with you like this," Michael says to Whitney after they finish. He runs his hand along her thigh and sighs.

"I doubt that, Michael, you've been pretty busy with Carmen. She seems to keep you plenty satisfied. I don't think you've even been with John since before the prom."

Prom is long over and so is graduation. At least that is one less thing to deal with. After dealing with the upstart that dared to kidnap her and John, others learned to keep away and they were able to consolidate their power a bit more. Michael and John now have a solid hold on their mafia and they are more than a little feared.

Once John allowed the infidel to die, Michael made sure his body would be found. The other mafias understood and accepted the warning. Especially since only three of their mafia were killed but over a hundred of the other mafia were found dead and others are presumed missing, but since no one knows how many were actually in the mafia they just keep clear.

Snow made sure that his calling card was prominent on the dead body so everyone knew who was responsible.

Whitney isn't sure if that was brilliant or incredibly stupid of them. It has made the police look even harder for Snow and if they are ever able to connect Snow to John then the whole damn mafia will come tumbling down like a blown over house of cards.

Michael doesn't respond to Whitney's words about Carmen and that catches her attention. She puts her hand over Michael's to stop his caressing of her. "What's wrong Michael?"

"Carmen is cheating on me." Michael spits out.

His words are so shocking to Whitney that all she can do for some time is just stare at Michael. When she can finally speak, "Are you sure?"

Michael scoffs, "Not positive, but fairly sure, yeah."

Before Whitney can say anything else, "Before I supposedly left for the business trip," this is one of the times that John is substituting for Michael. This is a new client and they aren't sure how trusty worthy they are so they decided that John would go rather than Michael. "Carmen pulls me aside so she can talk to me privately. She seemed a bit nervous but I thought it was just because she was going to miss me. Nope, that wasn't why, not even close."

"Michael?" Whitney asks in concern when Michael goes quiet.

"She told me that she's just over two months pregnant. That would put her right before the prom." Michael manages to get out. He doesn't like being lied to. He understands if she wants to have other lovers, after all she's letting him have others, but she claims that he's her only lover. 

"Is there any chance at all that the baby could be yours, Michael? I know that your father did a number on you, but is there any chance?" Whitney says in concern. She had always rather liked Carmen, but if they aren't able to trust her then she won't be allowed to stick around for much longer.

"Of course there is always a chance, I didn't have my balls removed and they do still produce, it's just such small quantities of sperm that the likelihood is very slim. When I say slim I do mean slim, like a million to one odds. Hell, if this child is mine, I can't do anything to her until I know for sure."

"What the fuck do you mean, do anything to her? If the child isn't, then you will either accept the fact that she has other lovers just like you do or you break up with her. You won't hurt her." But Whitney is getting very angry at the distinct possibility that they've all been played.

Michael sighs and sits up. The sheet slides down showing off the majority of his body. "If that was the only problem I would just verify with her who her lover was and run a background check on him. Just to make sure that he was safe for her to be around."

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