Meeting Bella

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The moment she stepped out of the car she could smell her. It's only a week. It's only a week. Cecily thought as she approached the house. Alice skipping ahead. When she stepped into the house the smell worsened.

"Bella, guys. Living room." Alice sang out. Instantly Emmett and Jasper were there, Edward and a plain-looking female a few seconds later. Cecily bit her lip as the girl's eyes widened when Edward hugged Cecily. He was smiling. The depressed vampire was smiling.
You might not be all bad human. She thought.

"Hey, Ed." She spoke lowly so the vampires could hear her. "Gonna introduce us?" She gestured toward the confused human. He smiled and walked Cecily closer.

"Cec this is Bella, my fiance. Bella this is my older sister Cecily."

"Good to meet you," Cecily muttered, hiding her teeth.

"Hi." The girl - Bella - said as Edward went to her side.

"She looks human," Bella commented, causing Cecily to laugh. Her teeth revealed, the girl backed up.

"Cecily here is one of a kind. A hybrid, part human part demon." Carlisle explained. "I found her in Salem almost three hundred years ago."

"D-D-Demon. Y-y-your a demon." Bella stuttered out. Frightened of the blond.

"Partial," Cecily told her. "Alice, mind showing me to the kitchen?"

Quickly putting her.... Food of choice in the fridge. Which she saw Alice stick her nose up at. She went to her room to lay down. She had a long flight.

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