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Cecily was having trouble catching her breath as she watched Alec. They were eloping today, amd marriage didn't go well for her. At least hers and Ed's didn't. What she didn't know was that Aro had convinced Alec to do it. Alec felt fine, sure that after the past three weeks you would stay. Ato wanted something more solid, after all what if they fought and the girl decided to flee. Cecily smiled as they said the vows and rings were placed despite the fact that Alec hadn't looked at her once.

"I now pronounce you Mr. And Mrs. Alexander Volturi " when Aro said these words Alec had to try to not blurt out the truth. That this whole thing was a lie, Alec loved Cecily and if this kept her here therefore alive. Alec could live with that, Cecily by his side forever.
Alec pushed these thoughts out of his mind as he turned to his wife.

"You look beautiful Mrs. Volturi." He told her, as he watched her role her eyes. Intoxicated blood was being passed around the room, and Cecily herself had a beer to his suprise.

"Cecily Volturi." She said looking at him. "That's going to take some getting use to." She smiled at her mate. Despite the fact that she felt slightly overwhelmed. They had just met a little over four weeks ago and on a battle field no less, and here thay were married after she said she would never marry again.

"I know it will love." He said glancing at the simple silver band on his hand. "For the both of us."

"I still say i should have been able to hypen my name." She said looking at the drunk vampires. Alec sighed, he was never going to hear the end of this.

"You really wanted to be Cecily Wynstryngham-Cullen-Volturi. A bit of a mouthful don't you think." He said as she laughed.

"Your right." He smiled at her.

As the party ended and Cecily and Alec retired to their bedroom. Unknown to them Aro smiled knowing he had gotten what he wanted.

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