The Call

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It was early too early in fact. The sun hadn't yet risen when the phone rang.

"I'll get it," Ben said as Cecily layed back down. Sleep calling her before she heard Carlisle's voice.

"Is Cecily Cullen there?" Carlisle asked, his tone polite. What surprised her is how Ben responded.

"No. Goodbye." He was just about to hang up when Cecily yelled.


"She is right here." He quickly said handing her the phone, disappearing instantly.

"Hello?" She said though she already knew who it was.

"We need help, Cecily." Okay then straight to the point.

"I'm not helping with a newborn." That is what this has to be about.

"That's not it. We are going up against the Voturi."

"What?" Cecily whispered the word. Sinking against the wall. "What happened?"

"The impossible happened. Bella and Edward had a child. Renesmee."

"That's not possible. Vampires can't have children." She was still whispering, but she knew Carlisle could hear her.

"Renesmee was born when Bella was human. Cecily this child is a hybrid. Just like you."

"So YOU EXPECT ME TO RISK MY LIFE BECAUSE EDWARD COULDN'T KEEP IT IN HIS PANTS?" Cecily was screaming at this point the point of losing her life and her family all too real.

"Please Cecily we need you. This child has done nothing. Just like you did nothing. Please." Carlisle's voice was pleading at this point and unknown to her, the whole family stood behind him waiting on an answer.

"Put Ed on the phone." Her voice was calm now. A second later Carlisle's voice was replaced with Ed's.

"You are a fucking idiot you know that right. What the hell were you thinking? You have brought the whole Volturi down on your heads." Cecily ranted at him, her siblings now entering the kitchen staring at her.

"Yard, now!" She told them not to pause.

"I know Cecily. Trust me I know. We need you to win this fight. They know nothing of your kind."
Cecily remained quiet when Ed's voice broke through again.
"Please Cec. For your niece?"

"Fine, but be aware I'm doing this for the child." Cecily gritted out. "After this lose this number and ill drop the Cullen name." She could hear Carlisle dry sobbing in the back, and it hurt, but they had done this. She had other people to protect. She hung up as her siblings entered the room.

"We're going with you." Thomas declared as they entered, in his flamboyant way.

"No your not." She told them, narrowing her blue eyes. "Did you not hear this is going to be a war."

"We did, but we're going," Ben said quietly, hiding behind Thomas. His black hair in different directions. Cecily looked pained for a second.

"Not you too."

"If your fighting so is we," Margaret told her standing to her full height.
Seeing a losing battle, Cecily sighed.

"Y'all will listen to everything I tell yall. Everything." She hissed tears in her eyes.

They nodded, Ben came up to her.

"Thanks, mama." Cecily's heart broke more, knowing she was leading them to a death sentence.

"Go pack we leave at sunrise."

She watched them leave before going to pack her bag. Thinking about how she should have never gone to that wedding four months ago.

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