Chapter 12: Brought in

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Banks drove 45 minutes out from the Vill and pulled up to a big house. I leaned up in between the driver and passenger side and admired the house. These Mfs gotta be rich I thought to myself. Banks opened the door I grabbed my bag and got out of the truck. We then walked up a drive way to the front door. He knocked on the door as if he was the police and I mugged him. The door was soon snatched open "Banks don't be knocking on my door like that you lost your damn mind" she said threw gritted teeth. He then pointed at me. I looked at him thinking why he pointing at me I don't even wanna be here I said in my head I then turned to look at the women who now had her hands on her hips "He was really serious about this" she said. Banks replied "Yea seems to be" and she let us in. "Come on I'll show you where your staying" She said to me walking down a big hall. I looked at Banks as he nodded giving me the go ahead. I followed her until she stopped at a door "This is your room everything you need should be in there the food should be ready in 30 minutes" she said walking off. I walked into the room to see blue neon lights lighting up the room I looked at the walls to see bob Marley posters. I then seen the big tv on the wall and wondered why it didn't drop yet. I looked around some more then looked at the other 2 doors connected to the room. I walked in one to discover a empty walk in closet. I walked out of the closet and went into the other door discovering a bathroom. I looked around the bathroom finding towels and rags. I grabbed one of each and turned on the shower. I dropped my bag on the floor taking my shoes off. I then took my clothes off and hopped in the shower. After 20 minutes of being in the shower I wrap the towel around my waist and walked to the sink. I looked in the mirror staring at myself. I pushed my dreads out of my face and looked under the sink finding a unopened toothbrush. I opened it ran water over it adding toothpaste and brushed my teeth. I spit into the sink and walked to get clothes out of my bag I put the clothes on grabbed my dirty clothes and put them in the basket I seen. I walked back into my room sat the bag on the floor and left out the room.

Moment later

"Lost" I heard a voice say I looked back to see Smoke behind me I nodded telling him "yea". He waved his hand telling me to follow him and I did so. We soon walked into a dinning room with a lot of food on the table. Smoke sat down and I sat down it was just me and him but it was about 10 of chairs at the table and I only seen Banks,the lady from earlier, and Smoke. "Is it more people here?" I asked. Smoke looked up from his phone "Yea me, you, Banks, My lady, Reach, and Staxs" he replied answering my question. I then heard voices laughing "speaking of the devil" I heard Smoke mumble. The voices entered the dining room and I looked to see 2 boys. one was high yellow and the other one was light but more of a brown. They sat down at the table "sup Smoke" the light skin spoke as the other mugged me "Staxs cut it out man" he said dapping the light skin up. The lady from earlier walked in and sat down grabbing a plate. She begin to put food on it and Banks soon walked in "Wassup yall" he said sitting down everybody spoke back while I gave a head nod. Everyone started to put food on they're plates and I soon followed.

After Dinner

I put my plate in the sink and begin to walk to my room. The night was filled with laugher and them filling me in on every thing. I found out Smokes wife name is Melissa and that the light skin boy was Reach and the other boy was Staxs. I walked into my room and dropped onto my bed. I watched the blue lights and let my thoughts take over. Before I knew it I was fast asleep.

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