Chapter 22 - Poolside

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Once we arrive at my parent's house, Scarlett leaps from the car and barges inside, searching for Papaw. John Luke grabs the bag from the backseat and follows me inside. The minute we step foot through the front door, I find Daddy already has Scarlett in his arms, giving her a big bear hug. "There's Papaw's Princess!"

Scarlett squeezes his neck tightly while pressing her cheek against his. "Hi, Papaw!"

Daddy pretends she's choking him as she squeezes his neck tightly and belts out a gurgling noise. Scarlett starts to giggle and loosens her grip.

Daddy flips her around and swings her between his legs. "You ready to get your swimsuit on and get in the pool? Uncle Benny is still sleeping, but we can go wake him up first."

She squeals as Daddy swings her higher each time. "Ahh! I'll go jump on him, Papaw!" She hollers as she kicks her legs vigorously.

He sets her down, "Alright, baby, go jump on him!"

She dashes towards Benny's room and storms in like a little hurricane. I tiptoe over to listen outside of Benny's door. I hear, "Ummmmppphhh Oh, no! It's the little monster. Someone help me!" Benny yells out playfully as Scarlett giggles.

John Luke shakes his head in disbelief, "Shewww...she is a ball of energy, that child."

"Yes, she keeps us on our toes for sure. Get ready, Papa." I warn as I squeeze his bicep.

Daddy chuckles and places his hands on his hips. "Yes, sir! Like a little wild tornado! I wish I had half the energy of that child. If I did, I'd get a whole hell of a lot done."

I reach down into my bag and fish out John Luke's swim trunks, "Here you are, my dear."

I turn to Daddy, "I take it Momma is already out there in the lounger?"

Daddy turns and pops open a cold one from the refrigerator, taking a massive swig before answering, "Lord, yes, child! You know your Momma loves the pool. That woman could live in the water all summer, I swear! We've at least gotten our money's worth out of it over the years. Y'all get your swimsuits on. I'll meet ya outside." Daddy instructs as he walks over and opens the screen door to the backyard.

I wave him on. "Alright, Daddy, be out in a few."

He shuts the screen door and walks away.

I point to my room, "John Luke, you can go in my old room, and I'll take Scarlett in my parent's room to get changed."

He looks down at me with a stony-faced expression, "You mean we don't have enough time for a quickie?"

I snort and playfully twist his nipple, "Lord, don't press your luck!" I yelp as he smacks my ass on the way towards my room.

Scarlett bolts out of Benny's room, "Come on, sweetie, let's get dressed in Mimi and Papaw's bedroom,"

I follow behind her as she storms into their bedroom. I help her dress into her little blue unicorn bikini. It's like putting pantyhose on a bear cub; this child is so full of energy. I then slip on my white bikini and walk over to grab some towels out of the linen closet. With my bag in my one hand and Scarlett's hand in the other, we step outside.

John Luke is already out there in his swim trunks sitting with Daddy, and Momma is laying out on the lounger with her lemonade. Scarlett runs over to her. "Hi, Mimi!" she calls out.

Momma looks up, "There's my happy girl." She says as she sits up and holds out her arms for her.

"I woke Uncle Benny up. I jumped on him!" Scarlett says excitedly.

"Good girl!" Momma chuckles.

I walk over to Momma and sit down in the lounger next to her. "Hey, sweetheart. Come over and layout with me; the boys can watch Scarlett. We can just relax and soak in the sun." she suggests.

Georgia On My Mind - Second Generation - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now