Chapter 39 - The Ride Home

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The paparazzi followed us the entire trip home. I asked John Luke to stop through a drive-thru restaurant because I was famished. They even followed us there! They were relentless.

John Luke holds my hand almost the entire way. He begins to ask me questions about what went down while I was held up at Lester's house. I can tell it was eating at him for some time now. "So, I just need to know. Did you and Mitch know?" he asks.

Howling with laughter, I respond. "Oh, God, no!"

"How in the world did you pull this whole thing off with his Dad?"

"We slept in the same bed, but we were both fully clothed. We are strictly platonic. He is one of my best friends. It was comparable to having a sleepover with a girlfriend." I explain to him.

He fidgets in his seat for a minute. "I don't like that you slept in bed with him, but I can't be mad about it. You did what you had to do. There is no reason not to trust you since you were not with anyone else the whole time I was gone. He dated you for six months and never made a move on you, so I trust that you guys didn't do anything."

I lean towards him and place my hand on his knee. "I don't want to be with anyone but you."

He picks up my hand and kisses it gently. "I don't want to be with anyone but you either baby."

I feel Scarlett gently kick the back of my seat. "Momma?" she asks.

I turn my head slightly. "Yes, baby."

"Are you going to leave again?" she asks.

"No, baby. I'm never leaving you again."

"Hey, Daddy?"

"Yes, baby?" he responds.

"Are you going to leave again?"

He looks back at her in the rearview mirror. "No, baby, I'm staying with you and Momma forever."

Content with his answer, she smiles from ear to ear and turns away, looking out the window.

When we pull up to my apartment complex's parking lot, I realize my keys are with my things back in Gulfport. "Oh shit! John Luke, all my things are in my purse at Mitch's house. Even my keys to the apartment."

He sits in the driver's seat, contemplating. "Well, we can stay with my parents until your friends bring your things. Maybe call them to see when they can bring it. I'm sure Mom and Dad won't mind if we crash there for a few days," He says.

"I have no clothes. All I have is what I am wearing. This big fancy wedding dress and these awesome Jimmy Choo's."

He chuckles. "Jimmy, what?" He asks.

"Jimmy Choos! They are outrageously expensive designer shoes." I excitedly explain.

He glances down at my heels. "Well, we can go buy some clothes for you until we get your keys to the apartment back. Maybe not Jimmy Choo's." He says jokingly.

"I can probably borrow something of Harper's, so I can get out of this dress. Can you call her and ask her if it's okay?" I ask.


He dials Harper's number, and she answers, "Sis, do you care if Georgia borrows an outfit?" he asks.

"Tell her I'll give her one of the fancy expensive dresses that Mitch bought me when they bring them to me," I whisper to him.

He casts a puzzled look in my direction but repeats what I say, nonetheless. "She said she would give you one of her new expensive dresses."

He looks straight ahead, "Okay, I'll tell her. See you there."

Georgia On My Mind - Second Generation - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now