Twenty One: The Punch

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The ride back to Forks was quiet. It started to rain as we drove. I could tell that Charlie was upset about Bella so I left him to his thoughts, watching the never ending brilliant green speed past me like a river of emerald. As I rested my chin on my hand I noticed a grey owl perched on a fence post, it peered at me with its big beady eyes as we drove past it. I remember that Dawn said something about owl during the funeral but I can't remember exactly what she said. I could've just stayed at Emily's and talked to the boys and Paul about the rumors, but I was thinking too much about catching semi finals of March Madness, which doesn't even start until 6:30.

"Hey, Dad." I asked, still staring out the window. He hummed at me like he usually does when he's thinking. "Can I invite Cam over to watch March Madness?" I asked.

"Sure." He answers and shrugs his shoulders. "I won't be getting back till later, K? Just make sure he's home by his curfew. I have to catch up on paperwork at the station." I doubt Cam actually has a curfew, his dad trusts him too much. I love how he understands our relationship. I hate it when people want us to get together. I wonder who Cam gonna hang out with now that I'm gone. Then I remembered the owl that was starring at me on the fence.

"Do you know what the Quileutes think about owls?" I ask, surely he knows something about them. He is best friends with Billy and grew up around the reservation. I think it's pretty cool how we all ended up friends like they did.

"Scared to death of 'em." He says and then clears his throat and looks at me while he explains. "They say that they're a messenger of death, at least that's what Billy used to say." I nodded my head and continued to stare out of the window. A messenger of death could mean anything, or anyone. But my first thought was Bella, all alone like a baby deer surrounded my mountain lions. By this time we were almost to the house. I started to gather my things and zip up my jacket. He gave me a quick one armed hug before I climbed out of the cruiser. "And Cails," he adds, rolling down the window and I turn around. "Call me if Bells comes back, okay?" I nod my head and give him a little smile as he drives off. I ignore a huge puddle forming on the sidewalk as I fumble for my keys and open the door.

I took a quick shower and changed into a hoodie and some sweats before calling Cam and inviting him over. I knew Jamie is gonna be at her softball practice in Seattle. She plays for a better team now that practices on Mondays and Thursdays. She invited me to play with them, but I told her I had to focus on basketball. I was drying my hair when I heard a knock downstairs. I rushed downstairs and opened the door to not see Cam, but the most beautiful man I've ever seen and a women standing beside him. His eyes were stones of amber and his skin was like porcelain, his hair came the closest to golden than any other and jawline could slice a watermelon in half.

Then I froze, I had this gut wrenching feeling to slam the door in his face and run away. After the initial shock of beauty, now everything about him told my instincts to run, my body tensed up and I felt myself going into flight or fight mode, until he spoke and his voice was like silk and calmed every worry I had.

"Hello my name is Dr. Carlisle Cullen, and this is my wife Esme." When I heard that awful last name my stomach dropped to my ass and my heart raced like a motorcycle. "I just wanted you to know that my family and I will be staying in town for a while...My other job didn't work out so well, so we've decided to come back to Forks. I hope you'll let your friends know that."

"I'll let them know." I sneer after I swallow the lump in my throat. I slammed the door like it was a ref that had made a bad call. Em is gonna be pissed when he finds out that the bloodsuckers visited me. I immediately ran upstairs like I was being chased by one of the dogs on the rez and picked up my phone to call Emily. I heard the line pick up and didn't hesitate for her to say "hello". Before blurting out, "The Cullens are back in town." She didn't have time to speak before I heard the phone being snatched and Sam's deep voice.

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