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It was the third day since Jungkook had announced his engagement to the boys. It was sudden and unexpected as well, and Seokjin found it strange.

The eldest of the group had kept quiet about it nevertheless, observing Jungkook for the two days. However, tonight as he laid in his bed, he knew something was definitely not right and he couldn't stand it anymore.

He had to ask the younger about it and although it was nearly 1 a.m, he had a feeling Jungkook would still be awake as well.

Truthfully, he had noticed the change in behaviour in Jungkook for the past 2 days. The boy seemed less cheerful and almost dejected even.

Another thing he noticed had been the lack of interaction between Taehyung and Jungkook. There was this clear and thick tension between them, and it seemed like Jungkook was feeling overwhelmed by that. He would always be staring longingly at Taehyung while the older would barely even spare him a glance.

It was strange.

Taehyung and Jungkook were always so close to each other. They had even visited the shooting location together a few days ago but ever since they returned, it seemed like they were not on good terms anymore. Had something happened there?

Seokjin walked through the hallway as silently as possible to avoid waking up the other members. When he reached Jungkook's room, he pushed the door open softly and was satisfied to find the younger sitting on his bed in the dark.

"I knew you weren't asleep yet," he said, startling Jungkook a little.

"Jin hyung?" The younger asked, appearing clearly confused by the elder's presence in his room at this hour.

"I wanted to talk to you about something, Kook," stated Seokjin as he closed the door and made his way towards Jungkook in the dark.

"What is it, hyung?" enquired Jungkook when Seokjin sat down beside him. The elder studied him closely. He looked tired, and not tired as in tired from practice, but more like he was emotionally drained.

The older felt a pang in his heart at seeing the youngest member of the group like this. It was so uncommon to see him in such a state. He was usually so mischievous and full of life.

Seokjin sighed. "Please answer me truthfully and don't hide anything. You know you can trust me, right?" He asked, staring expectantly at the younger.

He noticed how the latter visibly gulped and seemed to have zoned out at his words. He tried speaking to him again but got no reaction.

"Jungkook? Are you listening?" Seokjin asked after having not received any sign of acknowledgement. Jungkook snapped out of his train of thoughts and absent-mindedly nodded.

Seokjin decided it was now or never. "Kook, you know I care for you a lot, right? So, tell me, this engagement, did you willingly agree to it?" He asked softly.

Jungkook nodded, squeaking out a small "yes". His voice was rather weak and if the elder had not been so worried about him, he might have let go of the topic. But he needed to know.

He sighed, deciding to ask something else in hopes of getting a more elaborate answer from the younger. "And why did you agree to it?"

He noticed how Jungkook stilled momentarily but still tried composing himself. "Be-because I love Hae-Haesoo noona," the younger finally muttered. However, Seokjin could tell he was lying.

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