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A few months had passed by since everything had happened; since Taehyung and Jungkook had confessed to each other, since they shared their first kiss, since they announced it to the members and their family.

In those few months, so much had gone on. First and foremost, there was the much anticipated comeback that was insanely successful. The boys even had their first comeback performance at the Billboards Music Awards and they also won an award there.

It was a great achievement for them and everyone within the group, their staff and the fans were all extremely proud and happy. Speaking of the company and fans, nothing about Taehyung and Jungkook's relationship had been revealed to the public.

However, their close staff, and Bang PD-nim of course, knew about them. They had come to an agreement that their relationship would be kept hidden for the time being, in fear that this news might cause backlash to the whole group.

They also had a second comeback in that short amount of time with the album Love Yourself: Answer and IDOL as the title track, thus completing the Love Yourself trilogy.

Meanwhile, their tour was about to begin. However, the tour which was supposed to kick off on the 25th of August was postponed to the 1st September. Jungkook was glad to have a concert and see ARMYs on his birthday, though he was a tad bit sad that they would have to rehearse all day and he wouldn't be able to celebrate with his boyfriend like he had wanted.

It was the eve of the first concert for the Love Yourself tour. The boys were all preparing but for the last weeks, Taehyung had been the one who had seemed the most busy. He was working on God knows what, since he refused to show it to Jungkook. No matter how much the latter insisted, the answer was always the same: "have some patience, you'll come to see it in time."

Even if Taehyung was constantly teased that he sounded like an old man when he said that (another attempt of Jungkook trying to find out what his boyfriend was up to), the older boy still kept mum about his projects.

Jungkook was frustrated to say the least.

He decided to sneak into the studio that Taehyung had enclosed himself in for the past weeks, even more so the last few days. Lately, Jungkook was barely even seeing Taehyung outside of practice.

Taehyung would remain in the studio all day long and would come back home really late. Most of the time Jungkook would already be asleep by the time the older would be home.

When Taehyung momentarily left the studio to get a cup of coffee - he sure hated the taste of it but it was the only thing that could keep him awake and besides, with a few spoonful of sugar, it didn't taste that bad at all - Jungkook stealthily made his way in.

A keyboard was placed by the side and several discarded sheets of paper littered the place. Jungkook was about to pick up a crumbled piece of paper but then reminded himself that he had to be quick. Taehyung would be back anytime now and he had a feeling the older wouldn't want to find him loitering around.

His eyes landed on the huge monitor on the table. That was it. He was certain that he would find more details there than he could find in any of the pages.

He sat on the chair and turned the computer on. To his misfortune, it was locked. A password was required. Jungkook tried everything he could think of, from Taehyung's birth date to his family, from anything BTS-related to ARMY but none of them worked.

He thought hard about what it could be and a thought struck his mind. He brushed it off but then thought it wouldn't hurt to try. Jungkook blushed faintly as he typed in the words "baby bunny" without leaving any space in between.

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