December 6th (Date)

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Eva's POV
Anna went to get her keys. I have no idea what she has planned for us. I know whatever it is it will be special. I hear Anna walking back down the stairs.
Anna: "you ready?" She asked grinning.
Eva: "Yes Boon." I said giggling.
Anna: "ayo let's go!"
We walked down to Anna's car, she opened my door for me and I hopped in. Anna got in the driver's seat and let me have aux. She's never given me aux before. I turned on Frank Ocean and we pulled out of the driveway. Anna held my hand stroking it with her thumb. It made me so happy. I could tell by the direction where we were headed.
Eva: "are we going to Don's?!"
Anna: "Yep the first stop on the list."
We got our food and ate it sitting in trunk with the trunk door open. Our legs swinging back and forth sitting on the bumper listening to the music.
Eva: "Anna this is already perfect." I said staring into her blue eyes.
Anna: "well maybe we should end the date here." She said jokingly.
Eva: "nooo! I'm intrigued about what's next."
We both laughed. We finished eating and got back in the front. We drove around for a while. I couldn't tell where we were going. We finally arrived at the pier. Anna got out and opened my door. We held hands walking all the way to the end of the pier. The sun was setting and it was beautiful.

Eva: "wow I've never been here at sunset before

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Eva: "wow I've never been here at sunset before." I said staring at the colorful sky.
Anna: "you can thank Sab for the idea lol."
Eva: "well maybe I should start seeing Sab instead." I said trying to get a reaction from Anna.
Anna: "you better not" She said as she picked me up and pretended like she was going to throw me over the railing.
Eva: "ANNA NO!" I screamed wrapping my legs around her waist and my arms around her neck squeezing her tightly and burying my head in her neck.
Anna: "ok fine I guess I won't feed you to the sharks." She said in a sarcastic tone.
I looked into her ocean eyes while she held me. She was holding me up by putting her hands under my butt. She squeezed it with a smirk on her face. I laughed and went in to kiss her. It was long and slow. Anna pulled away first.
Anna: "I want you to officially be my girlfriend Eva. I want to be with you always." She smiled. "So will you be my girlfriend." She asked anxiously awaiting my response.
Eva: "Yes Anna, I've been waiting for you to ask."
I kissed her again. Her lips tasted like Burt's Bees chapstick. Without breaking the kiss I unwrapped my legs and Anna slowly set me down keeping one hand on my butt and one on my lower back. I put my hands on each side of her face. The kiss was getting heavier and Anna pulled back.
Anna: "wait there's still one thing left to do."
We walked back to the car and Anna had her arm around my waist. We hopped in and drove off. We arrived at the destination.
Eva: "I didn't know there was a Christmas light show here?"
Anna: "yep it's the first night they're doing it."
The lights were beautiful. All the shops on the street were decorated in the most extravagant way possible. We walked down the sidewalk admiring each display. My legs were tired from all the walking so Anna gave me a piggy back ride on the way back to the car. We both got in and started heading back towards home. Anna had her hand on my knee gradually moving up my thigh every minute. She eventually moved her hand all the way up to the top of my inner thigh squeezing and releasing again. The girl knew exactly what she was doing. I could barely talk. The adrenaline was coursing through me. I wanted her so bad I could barely stop myself from jumping on her while she drove...

End chapter 8
The next part will pick up from here. ;)

Evanna: Holiday Special Where stories live. Discover now