130 - Colby

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Jake and Tara, since they were already at the house scoping Jax out, started giving us a run down as soon as we were close enough to hear them. They said they could smell the dead owners inside and they'd had a short conversation with Jax, who refused to talk to anyone but Rebecca or myself. I wasn't too pleased about her coming to start with, let alone being one of the only people Jax wanted. As long as I could stay by her side...

We stopped on the front porch and I placed Rebecca down on her feet. She stayed against me, providing me with warmth, but turned her head toward the house. I could see the figure lurking in the window watching us with red eyes. Jake and Tara zipped from the side of the house to Corey and Devyn, who were stood a little ways away. Kevin and Mike were flanking us, Elton on the front porch.

Jax let out a growl from inside. "Colby, I don't know if I can control myself." His eyes were focused right on Rebecca.

"You touch her and you're dead," I replied, too low for Rebecca to hear me. He glanced at me then at my flanks before turning toward the front porch. He nodded to Elton, smelling the blood that was in the bag. I was sure he was stuffed from the owners he'd killed, but newborns tended to drink much more blood than mature vampires did. They couldn't survive on just a couple of humans.

Elton went inside and Rebecca tried to follow, but I held her tighter against me. She looked up at my face questioningly—I was watching Jax through the windows still. Elton was stood in front of him out of sight and they were talking.

"I'm a friend of Rebecca's. We all are," Elton explained as he threw the backpack forward. Jax eyed it suspiciously. "Blood. You haven't had enough."

"Blood," Jax repeated breathily before he was moving in a blur. He went out of sight, making me incredibly uneasy. I needed to see the man who was currently the biggest threat to my girlfriend's life otherwise I was just going to take her away from the threat altogether, whether she got mad at me for it or not.

The sound of Jax slurping down the blood was disgusting and we were all showing it on our faces. I cringed away from the sound, taking a whole step back with Rebecca still pressed to me. She seemed to understand what was going on and was controlling herself for now, though I knew that wouldn't last very long. Rebecca never could control her temper, which was one of the reasons why I loved her so much. She didn't even know the extent of it.

Eventually, Jax had drunk all of the blood bags we'd brought for him and I sensed the change from outside. He wasn't full, but he was close enough that he could control himself more than before. Not nearly safe enough to see Rebecca yet but I was going to have to let go on this one.

I didn't turn when I spoke too low for Rebecca. "Kevin, come inside with us." I raised my voice, catching Rebecca's attention by tugging her hand. "Stay with me or Kevin," I told her. She rolled her eyes but didn't argue with me, knowing she wouldn't be going inside if she didn't listen.

With intertwined hands, I started to pull her toward the house's front door. It was silent inside, Elton and Jax likely in some sort of awkward stare off unsure of what to do, though fully aware that we were coming inside. Kevin followed me and Rebecca at a steady pace acting only as a defence if necessary. Jax was already feeling threatened and his monster could come out at any moment.

The inside of the house was bloodier than I expected. It looked like Jax had attacked whoever had opened the door immediately, then attacked whoever came to their aid. The bodies were missing—it smelt like they were in the other room—but it was more than clear that their death had been quite gruesome. Despite this, Rebecca walked straight through the room faster than me. She was eager to see Jax, who I still didn't like all that much. At all.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now