158 - Rebecca

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I stood watching the others train with Colby. He stood as close to me as he could, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist and his chin resting on my shoulder. I'd had an uncontrollable smile on my face ever since he came up to me after kicking Sam's ass just because he could.

When we'd arrived, Colby zipped me out back with everyone else, placed me down by the door, then darted to Sam and knocked him over. He was in a playful mood, so when Sam sprung back up, he immediately started to spar with him. It was amusing to watch Sam be so confused by Colby's attack, and even better when he lost and Colby started smirking. No one had expected him to be in such a good mood.

But now we stood here getting smirks every few moments because we were "cuddling" or whatever the others were saying. I loved what he was doing, so I wasn't about to break apart just because everyone was here.

By the time everyone had fought everyone—except for Colby—at least once, I felt Colby lift his head from my shoulder. He was looking at Mike and saying something, though it was too quiet for me to hear. The look on Tara's face was a mixture of excitement and concern as she glanced at me, a few of the others following suit. I peered back at Colby, but he was still having a conversation with Mike.

After a few moments, Mike nodded then Cassie walked away from Reggie. I looked back at Colby to confirm and he smiled at me—just a little smile, but enough to make me return it. I quickly kissed his cheek before I escaped his grip and walked in the middle of the spectator circle. Cassie was standing opposite me, smiling.

"Hey, Rebecca," she greeted. I just raised a brow at her. "I'm gonna go easy on you unless you kick my ass. I tend to get mad when I'm training."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure I can handle it."

"I hope you can, then I won't have to suffer death glares from your boyfriend." Cassie rolled her neck, a small crack coming out. I didn't bother with the prep work because I was just excited to get through this fight so I could work my way up the chain.

Mike held a hand out so we didn't start the spar just yet. "Rebecca, you sure you don't wanna change your shoes or something?" I crossed my arms without answering. "I'm just saying, you might not-"

He was cut off by Cassie starting to move in a blur. That switch flipped again, this time a beat later than it had with Mike. I saw Cassie as less of a threat, so she was still moving fast even as I watched with slowed—or heightened—senses. I let my instincts guide me when she got too close, moving to the side to dodge her grabby hands. She quickly recuperated, twisting around to grab me. I leaned back this time and twisted around to face her back then kicked her so she fell forward. Though I didn't have to, I leaned down with her, holding her down.

The count to win in a spar was either five seconds, or you could just mime staking the other person. I knew that my abilities weren't for holding still, so I figured I'd have to pretend to stake her. As I went to, she forced herself to roll to the side, almost backhanding me in the process. I just dodged it. Taken off guard, she used my situation to her advantage, slamming her hands into my shoulders. I fell on my back with a little huff, but I wasn't about to let her win.

Taking a page out of Colby's book, when she came down to hold me to the floor, I shoved my knee into her stomach making her sit up, then grabbed her neck and forced her down. This time I didn't hesitate to "stake" her, and Mike whistled.

"Rebecca wins," he said, walking forwards, "but barely." I glared at him. "You still won. I'd say you two should go again and if you win, I'll let you fight someone more powerful."

"Hm," I replied, getting to my feet. Cassie joined me and we both fixed our hair as we set up to go again. I made a little strategy this time, rather than just acting on what she did. I decided that I would first get her to fight me for a little while standing up, then I'd get her pinned and see what came of it. I wanted to exercise a few moves rather than just pin because there was a chance I wouldn't be able to get whatever vampire I ever had to fight down straight away.

I fought Cassie a couple of times and she only won once because Reggie helped her out. He zipped past me while I was holding her down, distracting me, and Cassie used the moment to get me on my back. She held me down with ease for five seconds before Mike announced her success. It was fair to say that in the next fight, I kicked her ass hard without remorse because I was getting angry.

Unsurprisingly, by the last fight with her, I was glaring at her for real, rather than just glaring because I needed to fight her. The more frustrated I got, the slower time went when that switch flipped. And the faster it flipped to begin with.

At the very last fight, I won, and Mike helped Cassie up as he said, "I think you're getting used to Cassie's tactics, so you might be better off fighting someone else now. Maybe not someone stronger, but someone who's different." He paused, glancing around the group. "Xepher."

"I don't fight with bare hands, Mike," Xepher whined back, shaking her head.

"Then give Rebecca a weapon."

Angela snorted. "That's a terrible idea." I ignored her as I stared at Xepher in wait. For the first time, I realised she had weapons sitting in her clothes. In one of the many harnesses and chains she wore, she had daggers and a stake hidden behind a flap of fabric. She threw one of the daggers to me, which I caught and spun around my hand as if it was a pen.

"You know how to do that," she said slowly. "Have you used a dagger before?"

"A few times," I replied shortly. I wasn't interested in chatting with her.


"I used to throw knives in abandoned buildings. Now can we fight or do I have to attack you first?" I asked impatiently. Xepher cast a glance at Jake, who I noticed was grinning wildly, before she nodded and took a stance. Cassie hurried to the side with Reggie, who instantly wrapped his arm around her.

Spinning the dagger around my hand, I started to circle with Xepher. We stared at each other intensely, both of us waiting for the right moment. I was so frustrated with Cassie that it took my abilities a second to kick in when Xepher ran at me. Still, I moved in time to avoid her sharp nails, which she'd reached out for me with. She started to turn to me to attack me again, but I caught sight of someone coming towards me in the corner of my eye.

I didn't know what happened, only that there was impact and I fell to the floor.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz