112 - Rebecca

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When we opened our eyes, we still didn't move. I saw a million different shades of blue in Colby's eyes, but they were only blue—no red or purple, hardly even silver since it had reduced to a less-than-a-millimetre ring recently. I thought his eyes reminded me of the sky on a really good summer day. The beauty of the pure blue, sometimes mixed with a darker colour for the edges.

I was calling Colby's eyes gorgeous—he'd kill me if I said that out loud right now.

That reminded me that there were some things we needed to talk about in the form of blue and purple handprints left on my body—of which I had no care for, but knew Colby was worried about because he was more sensitive than he would ever admit.

Instead of telling him that I wanted to go to my apartment—together this time—I tilted my head back. He answered with a kiss, short and sweet right on my lips. I couldn't help but smile as I slid away from him towards the bathroom. He'd be caught up to speed when we were out of hearing range.

I changed into a pair of black pants and a loose black shirt with long sleeves, one side falling down my shoulder. I had a black, lace bralette underneath peeking through, but showed little of myself besides that. With a pair of thick-heeled, black ankle boots on, my hair curled, and my makeup lightly done, I was ready.

Colby waited outside for me wearing his usual jeans and some kind of e-boy-esque shirt that I loved on him

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Colby waited outside for me wearing his usual jeans and some kind of e-boy-esque shirt that I loved on him. He could pull off anything, which bugged me only sometimes. I wondered what he looked like in light colours.

"No." Colby suddenly said, catching me off guard. My eyes flicked up to meet his gaze only to see him almost glaring at me, though there was a playful hint. I frowned. "I don't wear light colours." How the hell did he know I was thinking about that? "Stop looking."

I realised, with almost a facepalm, that I had been staring at the lighter side of his shirt today as I pondered what it would look like entirely light. And the fact that it had bothered Colby made me instantly smirk, because I liked to get him annoyed now and then—okay, basically all the time.

"Why not? Maybe you'd look cute," I teased, walking to my backpack. Colby growled. "Hey, I know. If I ever design anything for guys, I'm going to make sure it's light. You have to support me, as you're my boyfriend, so then you'll have to wear it."

This time when Colby growled, he had me against the wall. The air knocked out of me instantly as I looked up at his face. He was genuinely annoyed at the prospect of wearing anything other than black or dark colours—sort of like myself. I wanted to smile but he was too close for my brain to focus on anything but him.

My mouth opened and closed again uselessly and I gave up trying to think of something to say, standing on my toes despite my heels. Colby met me halfway and his fingers found my hair. My hands rested tentatively on his chest, keeping myself at a safe distance—enough that he wouldn't realise I was close to begin with so he couldn't push me away for "my safety".

The kiss got a little more intense as he carefully pulled my bottom half to him via my lower back. His fingers rested there completely still and light so he wouldn't hurt me.

I hated it but I didn't argue with him about it. Not here.

Thoughts of my apartment yet again brought me out of the moment. Reluctantly, I started to pull away from the kiss, making sure to plant plenty of little ones before I had any separation from him. His eyes now were darker, but the silver remained firmly as a tiny ring. It hadn't expanded much at all yet.

"Don't worry," I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck again, "I don't really like guy clothing; fewer options."

"I can't argue with you."

I pouted. "I wanted an argument." He laughed at me softly before placing another kiss on my lips and slipping away. I watched him as I grabbed my work backpack and threw it over my shoulder. "Okay, we have some errands to run, I don't care if it's... what time actually is it?"


"IT'S TEN YOU LAZY FUCKS!" Tara yelled to us. I looked at the door, waiting for her to walk in but she didn't. My eyes narrowed as I turned back to Colby. He was busy glaring at the floor, obviously hearing more than I could.

"Do I want to ask or will I have to go downstairs and punch your friends if I do?" I asked knowing the answer.

"I want my walls hole-less for at least another hour," Colby muttered, shaking his head as he dropped onto his couch. I looked at him for a long moment, glanced at the door, then walked over and sat on his lap. His hands instinctively moved to my hips before he shifted them up to my waist. I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

"I need to make some last checks at the studio. As Jax isn't there—or shouldn't be, I swear I'll punch him if he is—I'll have to be awake during the day tomorrow to talk to him."

"Why is he your second in command?" Colby whined, scrunching his face up at the mere mention of Jax. I wanted to smile.

Instead, I rolled my eyes. "Because he's a good designer. Gets on my nerves a lot but does good work. And he actually fucking talks to me, unlike the rest of them. I got through to Maggie, I think."

"I have no idea who that is," Colby admitted.

I laughed. "I know you don't. Hell, I hardly know."

"Because you're just that amazing of a boss."

"Exactly," I agreed, forcing myself to my feet. Colby came with me and took my hand in his, the tiny touch sending a thrill of excitement through my body. "I also need to—"

"Stay the fuck there."

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now