82 - Rebecca

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I stomped around the house after that, ignoring the blasting of music downstairs and the longing to do something that would relieve my anger. If I made out with Colby and it didn't end up with the both of us fully undressed and much closer than we'd ever been before, I knew my situation would only be worse. He seemed to be aware of that, too, because he hadn't come up to me this whole time. I'd certainly felt his stare—paired with that of many others—but he hadn't moved from the poolside.

Wearing a pair of black pants with chains on them, a black crop top showing off my midriff and cleavage, and a scary pair of ankle boots that's heel could break every bone in someone's foot, I stomped downstairs. The heels gave me the advantage of being loud and angry-sounding, not that I needed it. The sheer force of my feet shoving into the ground made my message clear enough.

Instead of going straight out, I walked to the back door, leaning against the frame and surveying the scene

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Instead of going straight out, I walked to the back door, leaning against the frame and surveying the scene. All of the girls sat in the jacuzzi, the boys mimicking my position with Colby earlier by sitting behind them—the girls were between their legs facing away. The single guys sat closely either with their legs in the pool or on chairs pulled right up next to the pool. Colby was sitting on my sunbed, my phone beside him. Right, I needed to grab that before I went anywhere.

Biting the bullet, I stomped outside. A few heads turned, Katrina included, but most of them ignored me. They were listening to the music or each other, enjoying their night without the drama that was Jax losing the only five good designs he and the others had done, excluding the one about me they had made. They were supposed to send those designs very soon to my mother and co. I didn't see how they'd do that with all of them missing.

I forced my thoughts to the side and sat down next to Colby. I didn't intend to stay for long or explain myself. But I felt I needed to say something if I didn't want to make our relationship more difficult than it already was. I scooped up my phone. "I'll be back later." I said firmly, no room for argument—he wasn't planning on it anyway.

He gave me a nod, his eyes lingering on mine before they glanced at my lips. I wasn't sure how much I wanted to kiss him right now, but I leaned across the space anyway. He met me halfway in a light, sweet kiss. I felt a couple of unwelcome butterflies in my stomach when I felt the underlying emotions drifting up.

As much as I didn't want to pull back, I did, just a couple of seconds after the kiss started. Our gazes met for another long moment that I quickly found myself cherishing. We needed more times like these, even if I was just a ticking bomb ready to explode during them.

Tara cleared her throat and distracted me, and I wanted to kill her for it. I found myself turning to her and glaring, but she was completely unfazed. "I'm not happy you're bailing on us, bitch. Don't think I'll forget about this."

"Get the fuck over it." I snapped back at her as I stood up and started to stomp towards the backdoor.

She called after me. "What, we don't get a kiss and a heart-eyes stare?!"

"Tara," Colby growled, shutting her up. I didn't say thank you or fuck off like I wanted to, I just kept walking. I could release all of my anger out on Jax. I hoped he was terrified of my presence even though I had told him I wasn't going to be there at all. He had asked me to come and help him find the designs—as if I would do anything but yell at him and try not to punch him—but I'd said I wasn't going to. He took that as me not going at all, which was never going to happen. I needed to make damn sure he knew that this kind of fuck up was unacceptable. Whether I would fire him or not, I hadn't decided.

As I pulled off of the drive in a near-frantic kind of angry, headlights blinded me from the side. I slammed on the breaks just as a silver car almost T-boned me, but it swerved out of the way and flew on down the street. "Ass," I muttered, turning the same way. If I saw them on my travels, I was definitely going to rear-end them, because there was no way I could let that go unpunished either. I was starting to think that my easy-to-piss-off attitude was making me petty.

It turned out that I did see the silver car again—or at least one that was very similar—as I was just minutes down the road. As much as I wanted to press down on the gas and fly into the car's backside, I turned right and flew down the street instead. The cars that were out and about on this fine LA night were mostly driving slow, as if dawdling just to piss me off. I had likely broken several road safety rules by the time I saw the studio. I was just about ready to kill someone by now, and Jax was going to be my first choice if he wasn't standing in the storage room downstairs with the designs.

God help him: he wasn't.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя