26 - Rebecca

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          I was actually laughing when Colby almost dropped our food on the floor as he came back from retrieving it. The UberEats guy had been too incompetent to come in, and Colby had offered. I thought he just wanted to get some fresh air, which I completely understood. We were intoxicating each other. I watched him as he carefully tightened his grip on the paper bag and crept forward. He was so going to drop it.

"You need help," I said as I rushed over and took one of the bags from him — the drinks bag.

"I could have gotten it," he grumbled.

I rolled my eyes and sat back down, finding his drink for him. Meanwhile, he was separating our dinners. We set everything out and started to eat in silence, just enjoying each other's company. It felt like we had done this a million times, like we belonged together. Even if it hadn't been very long. My phone buzzed — just one buzz, a text — as I was about to speak. I sighed and picked it up, expecting Jax or someone I didn't want to talk to, but instead it was Tara with news I didn't want to hear.

"Tara wants me to come over tomorrow," I said quietly.

Colby's head jerked in my direction. He leaned over to read the message as if it would say anything more than 'Hey, bitch, get down here tomorrow. I miss your smart ass.' His jaw set in his mouth, and for a second I thought he was jealous again.


"Oh, I fucking wonder why." I rolled my eyes. "Look at the damn text, Colby. It says why."

He read it and shook his head. "No, actually she wants you to go over because she's worried about you."

I frowned at him.

"You're not an idiot, Becks. Think about it."

I did, and it came flooding back that both Tara and Xepher had been protective when Colby said something about 'what would happen'. I met his gaze now, soft and waiting. That seemed like years ago. "Right. Did you threaten me or something?"



"I'm dangerous. I have methods of hurting people, I was going to hurt you for coming to the house again. In retaliation against Tara."

My heart jumped in my chest as I took in every one of those words. They were the truth.

"What changed?" I whispered in disbelief.

Colby looked uncomfortable — he had to share his feelings. "I thought about hurting you and it... was difficult... to imagine actually doing something to hurt you."

I scoffed. "So you came and demanded my feelings instead?"

"Yes." He shrugged and scooped some chicken into his mouth to distract himself — and to distract me, I guessed, but it didn't entirely work.

"How did you know where I live?"

He froze. His eyes wouldn't leave the food on his plastic fork; they were glazed over with thoughts, like he couldn't escape. And then he met my gaze. "Do you want me to tell the truth?"

I nodded.

"Never forget that I'm dangerous."

"Say that one more fucking time and I'll show you how dangerous I am," I growled. He smiled just a little.

"I followed you home intending to... hurt, maybe even kill you."

I startled.

"It was that serious. But when I got here, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I couldn't even knock on your door." He shook his head. "Now the thought of hurting you agonises me."

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now