115 - Rebecca

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Colby was so surprised that he let me do it. I climbed on his lap afterward, seizing his lips, my hands replacing where his had been in his hair. Despite what we were literally just arguing about, Colby's hands reached out for me as he kissed me back, hard. He dragged my thighs closer, bringing me more over his lap. I was sure our stomachs were pressed together but all I felt inside was fire taking over my every sense.

Our bodies moved and time passed. I was still completely and utterly lost in the heat. Call it desire or lust or rage, but it was all I could see, hear, and feel besides Colby. I just wanted him and he wouldn't let me have him. Not completely. There had been a moment last night, a moment where we both had our shields completely down. However, his were back up today.

He was determined not to hurt me; I was determined to have him.

His hands broke through the flames a little, the strange combination of warmth and cold combatting with the pure fire within me

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His hands broke through the flames a little, the strange combination of warmth and cold combatting with the pure fire within me. He kept away from my hips, rubbing over my back and my thighs and through my hair. All the time, I could feel him. When he drifted to my waist, I reached down and grabbed his wrist, placing his hands right on my ass. He didn't argue with that.

I remembered that I had to breathe sometime but I wasn't ready to let him go, so my lips moved from his to his jaw and then his neck. He pulled me tighter to him as I let my teeth close around his skin. As soon as I'd caught my breath, though, I was back on his lips.

Kissing was safe. Wearing pants, unfortunately, was also mostly safe. Being in my office... was sort of safe.

The fire in my gut slowed down at the same time as the kiss. It became sweet rather than intense and my hands slid down to rest innocently on his chest. It felt like our argument, though little had been resolved, was coming to an end. Like Colby said: whether we went at it today, which we did, or another time, we were going to have to face that I was capable of being hurt by him.

Today, I was pretty sure neither of us wanted to fight anymore. And so, when he pulled back from the kiss to stare up into my eyes, I let him without argument. We stared at each other for probably as long as we had kissed—longer than we had fought, certainly.

After a while, Colby sighed and forced us to the side. He wrapped me up in his arms lying on my office couch, back to front. He held me tightly, his fingers rubbing up and down on my wrist while the fingers of his other hand squeezed my waist. I copied his earlier sigh but deeper, exhaustion settling over my body. It didn't matter how long I had slept: that had knocked me out; the emotional gymnastics had knocked me out.

"Are you tired, baby?" Colby whispered, catching me off guard. He hadn't called me baby before... or babe, I didn't think. I called him babes sometimes jokingly—at least I wanted it to stay as jokingly—but never baby. Where had he got that one from?

Humming, however, was my only form of communication when I was tired. So I hummed back to him, attempting to get comfortable. That was pretty hard when he left. He crouched down next to the couch instead, appearing in a blur, and smiled softly at me as he brushed my hair behind my ear. "Try and sleep and I'll lock everything back up." He paused. "Let's not fight anymore today?"

Reluctantly, I nodded and closed my eyes. It wasn't very difficult to fall asleep, even if Colby wasn't with me. I could hear him, even as I was drifting, darting around the room. Keys were taken from my pocket then there was a pause. At this point, I wasn't sure I'd be awake for much longer.

"You're going to have to hold on. Sorry, baby."

Baby again.

Half asleep, I hummed and held out my arms. Colby audibly exhaled in amusement, which I almost woke up just to glare at him for, before he pulled me up from the couch. I was clutched around him like a koala a moment later, holding on as he moved around. Keys jingled annoyingly with every door he had to lock. Turned out to only be three but it sounded like a lot.

As soon as a cold breeze hit me, I was pried away from Colby's body into a lying position across his arms. He held me close as a new, less familiar type of breeze hit me.

He stopped and started, keys jingling again at some point. Then, finally, I felt a bed beneath me. But this bed didn't smell like Colby, nor did it feel as comfortable. With a pit of dread in my stomach, I barely opened one eye to reveal my bedroom.

My first instinct was to groan as I rolled onto my front, covering my face partly with one arm. Colby chuckled from somewhere in the room, his voice low and deep as if he was trying not to disturb me too much.

My voice was barely audible. "Why are we here?"

A breeze led up to me before Colby's hands started to pull down my pants. I just let him, completely passive. A little fire did start up again, though. "Because we can talk freely here, not at my house," He explained, something hitting the floor.

"But I don't want to be in this bed," I whined back.

"I'm starting to think you're dating me for my bed," he muttered and I smiled to myself.

"You wouldn't be far off." Forcing my eyes open, I looked at him to see he was wearing sweatpants and no shirt standing next to my bed. "I'm dating you for you in your bed, not just for the bed."

He snorted. "As you're awake enough to be horny, you can help me out," he said as he took my hands and pulled me to sit up. He lifted my shirt over my head then handed me the shirt he'd just taken off of himself. Partly disappointed, I pulled it on.

"I thought we were going to do something fun," I murmured, falling back into my bed. I didn't look back at Colby because I knew that it would frustrate me, and I was happy with being drunk on exhaustion, therefore without anger. There was always space, though.

"I'm not going to answer that because I am not fighting with you again, Becks," Colby replied and settled into my bed almost on the other side. I stared at him accusingly. "Just come here and go to sleep."

I did, sliding over the bed to be beside him then curling into his chest as I let my eyes close. His fingers were brushing through my hair past the point of sleep.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now