193 - Rebecca

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I breathed out a sigh as I felt myself waking up. Colby had managed to knock me out last night, which wasn't too difficult for him, and I could feel the effects of being wrapped up in arms seeping its way in. Every time I woke up with Colby, I felt warm and fuzzy inside—even back when I didn't want to admit it to myself. I loved being with someone; knowing that I had something permanent.

It was a good feeling.

However, what wasn't a good feeling was hearing the door open when I knew Colby was asleep beneath me. He was laid on his back and I was draped over him, legs tangled, his arms holding me. I wanted to stay that way for as long as possible, but his roommates, unfortunately, had other ideas.

The sound of a phone ringing stopped just before I heard heavy footsteps that could only belong to one idiot in the house walking toward us. I kept my eyes closed in a fucked up, wishful attempt to have them leave before I had to face them. They didn't leave. In fact, they only got closer.

Colby stiffened beneath me as he woke up, too. He was too deep of a sleeper to be woken up by merely their footsteps, so I wondered what they'd done to wake him up low-key. I didn't get the same treatment, whatever it was, as a huge weight came down right beside me. It was so heavy that I practically bounced.

My eyes flew open and I looked at Corey, who was in the process of jumping again. My hand reached out and shoved him before he landed, pushing him onto the floor. He hit it with a thump and groaned, a small chorus of laughter coming from elsewhere in the room. I glanced around at the other faces, curious as to who wanted to die today.

Kevin—unsurprisingly, Sam—shockingly, Katrina and Jake. Sam was the only one who looked as annoyed as me as he stood within the others clearly waiting for something.

I didn't care enough to acknowledge him.

"It's like having children. Fuck off," I grumbled as I partly used Colby to hide from them. My hand came up to the other side of my face, resting there so I could close my eyes and pretend they were all elsewhere actually being helpful for once.

"No can do, Becky," Kevin replied smugly, "Colby's got a business call to take and the idiot left his phone downstairs."

"Don't see how that translates to jump on the bed and wake both of us up, but whatever," I muttered to myself.

Colby, much calmer than I expected, asked, "Who was it?"

"Elliott," Sam said and sighed. "I didn't want the others to come with, but they insisted and I couldn't exactly stop them."

"You're too weak for all of us, Sam," Jake teased with a huge grin on his face.

"But I'm not," Colby replied, "so get out of my room."

Someone groaned before a breeze led away from us. I waited but there was no more movement, only the slight vibrations of Colby's throat as he spoke to them so I couldn't hear. After a second, Kevin sighed. "We only wanted to see you being a softie anyway."

"Yeah, I don't care, fuck off," Colby snapped back. Three breezes led out of the room, leaving it in silence for a moment. I finally opened my eyes once more to see Sam and Katrina still here, Sam now at the side of the bed holding out a phone. Colby took it from him, exhaling heavily as he found out the missed call. I noticed his lock screen—for the first time—was me, but I didn't want to bring it up while we were in earshot of the others.

"He's called twice so I think it's important," Sam explained as he watched Colby.

"I doubt it's bad," he muttered.

"I'll leave you to it but I'll be listening. I'll come back if I need to." Colby nodded so Sam wrapped an arm around Katrina, nodded at me, then disappeared. As soon as he was gone, Colby laid back down—he'd sat up when Sam came over—and pulled me to lie on him again. I didn't argue with that, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now