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A nervous sigh left your lips as you made an attempt to fix your graduation gown in front of one of the mirrors hung in the Unis hall, desperately trying to make sure you looked presentable enough to go up on stage in a few minutes to accept your graduation certificate.

Upon taking a look around your surroundings, a faint smile painted your lips as you saw how other fellow graduates were surrounded by their lovers, friends, and families, excitedly talking about the graduation ceremony that would be taking place any moment now, and you couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have them by your side as well.

- They would be proud of me, right?

An announcement echoing throughout the school's halls speakers soon snapped you out of your train of thoughts, as it let everyone know that it was soon time for the ceremony to begin, and your heart raced nervously yet also excitedly.

"The ceremony will begin shortly, please make way towards the great hall and find your seats"

Jungkook: Here goes nothing...

You immediately began heading towards the great hall, slowly looking around the place in an attempt to spot where they had placed fellow graduates for your class, and as you were heading towards your seat, your attention was drawn to your right as familiar voices could be heard calling out your name in the distance

Once your eyes finally caught sight of your hyungs, a bright smile of relief found its way onto your lips as you gently waved at them from afar before swiftly taking your seat as well, feeling yourself finally be able to relax a little bit knowing your hyungs were there for you.

The whole great hall soon quieted down as the principal made his way onto the stage, walking up to the stand with confident steps before gazing across the great hall with a warm smile on his lips, and once it was completely silent he finally spoke into the mic

Principal: Dear graduates, we are gathered here today to bid adieu to class of 20xx. During your time here, I am sure you all have not only learned a lot, but hopefully also gathered some fond memories and new friends along the way. After today, you will all be continuing on your own paths to build your future, and SF University sincerely wishes you all the best of luck.
Now I'd like to begin the ceremony by bringing up the three winners of the practical evaluations this year, to come collect their certificates and honorary medals.

The whole great hall cheered proudly as he called out the two other students' names one by one to come collect their certificates and medals, and a shaky breath left your lips as you tried to get rid of your nervousness, knowing you would be the next and final name he'd call out

Principal: And last but certainly not least, let's welcome on stage a name we all came to be very familiar with seeing on this very winning list. Jeon Jungkook!

A faint blush spread on your cheeks in embarrassment at his praise, and it only grew a tiny bit darker as you heard your hyungs loud and supportive cheers, which honestly might've been a tad bit too excited though you could only bite back a giggle as you walked onto the stage

Once you got up there, you remained calm and collected as you walked up to the principal and professor Lynx who were handing out the award, bowing respectfully towards them as you smiled

The professor patted your shoulder proudly as he spoke softly while handing you your certificate

Professor: Good job, your family would be so proud of you.

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