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1 week later...

Everyone was supposed to gather inside the competition arena in a couple of minutes, so you swiftly dropped by your locker on your way there as you needed to put away your bag and other belongings that wouldn't be needed during the exams, however, you halted in your tracks as you noticed yet another taunting note that was stuck onto the inside of your locker door.

Everyone was supposed to gather inside the competition arena in a couple of minutes, so you swiftly dropped by your locker on your way there as you needed to put away your bag and other belongings that wouldn't be needed during the exams, however,...

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A frustrated sigh left your lips as you gritted your teeth whilst crumpling up the note in your hand, taking out your wand before flicking it at the paper, uttering out a soft ''Incendio'' setting it on fire, watching as it crumbled into ashes in a matter of seconds eliminating its existence.

Notes like this one had been appearing in your locker nonstop ever since the day the first one, some being taunting, some threatening, and some a scary mixture of both.

You shook your head and slammed your locker shut, letting out a shaky breath as you looked around somewhat anxiously, whoever was doing this had clearly been keeping a very close eye on you.

Jungkook: Fuck, I'm so nervous...

After taking a few deep breaths in and out in an attempt to soothe your nerves, you now began to make your way over to the arena where the evaluation exam would be held. 

Once you got there you scanned the busy surroundings until your eyes finally managed to spot your friends amongst the crowd, and so you swiftly approached them earning happy smiles from your friends as they saw you 

Hoseok wrapped his arm around your shoulder as he ruffled your hair playfully, meanwhile, they all happily greeted you 

Hoseok: There you are, we were looking for you!

You flashed them an apologetic smile whilst giggling softly, gently fixing your now slightly messy hair as you spoke

Jungkook: Sorry, I had to drop off my things at the lockers. I don't trust leaving my stuff unattended here in these crowds.

Jimin: How are you feeling, nervous?

A tense smile forced its way onto your lips as you shrugged lightly

Jungkook: I should be fine, I'm happy as long as I don't do too horribly today.

Well... that was a huge lie, you're fucking terrified of what's to come...

As you were looking around the crowded arena, a certain and unexplainable feeling began to bubble up in your chest as you accidentally happened to make eye contact with Taehyung whom had just entered the arena

His eyes changing from their soft golden brown to a dark red as he approached your group with confident steps, taunting smiles being exchanged between you both whilst both your eyes were shooting daggers at each other. He crossed his arms as he looked down at you, clearly trying to rile your annoyance up as he spoke in a deep tone 

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