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The days passed by at a painfully slow speed, and with every new day graffiti that the janitor previously had been trying to rid of the day before, would reappear as newer and possibly even more horrible slurs and threats.

It's also been about a week since you started going out to the school garden during your breaks to ''practice finding your power'' as your grandpa had suggested, and of course, nothing worked but it was still a nice chance to get some fresh air and also catch a break from all the glaring eyes and slurs thrown at you when surrounded by others.

A soft sigh left your lips as you packed up your things before standing up from the comfort of the lone bench you had been spending your break at, dreadfully making your way back inside the university and immediately being met by those same suffocating glares targeting you the moment you entered the building

The moment you reached the stairwell, you found yourself lowering your head shamefully after spotting the new vandalizations made onto its walls, a whole new cluster of slurs and taunting threats all directed towards you

You huffed softly as you quickly pulled the hood over your head before swiftly making your way upstairs, trying your best to just forget what you just saw and instead focus on getting to class on time, not wanting to be scolded for being late on top of all this.


After you had finally finished your last class of the day, you slowly made your way down the hallway ready to just put all your books away into your locker and go back to the dorm, however, you suddenly halted your steps and widened your eyes after seeing a sudden unexpected change made to the stairwell wall

The wall which previously had contained all those threats and slurs was suddenly spray-painted over with a pretty purple, accompanied by a text in the very center of it which in big letters read ''Jungkook is EQUAL'' making you widen your eyes in surprise

It was such a seemingly simple action, yet it made all the difference to you, as this felt like a spark of hope.

After glancing around the now almost empty stairwell in an attempt to see whether the potential artist still was present, you let out a shaky breath as a soft smile slowly crept onto your lips, nodding to yourself in determination as you gained a bit more courage

Jungkook: That's right.. I'm not gonna let them degrade me like this anymore.

You headed downstairs towards your locker, feeling ready to take on anyone trying to degrade you from now on no matter who it was, but immediately felt yourself freeze up as you saw three figures stood huddled around your locker doing something to it...

Tears stung your eyes as you let out a shaky breath, seeing three all too familiar faces carefully scrubbing your locker with a whole bucket of cleaning supplies next to them.

Jimin: Gah what kind of markers are these, they're so hard to remove!

Hoseok sighed as he scrubbed the locker harder with some form of a sponge after spraying some cleaning detergent on it

Hoseok: We've almost got it all though!

Yoongi: Jeez should we just cover his locker with some clear plastic, scrubbing these bullshit markers off every day is tiring

You gulped as you took a few steps closer to them, letting out a soft and hesitant ''H-hyung..?'' making them all swiftly turn towards you with widened eyes

Hoseok: Jungkook..?

They all simultaneously flashed you sheepish smiles, and Yoongi scratched the back of his neck shyly as he dropped one of the cleaning sponges back into the bucket

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